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New CUB guide: Top tips to cut your smartphone bill

SmartphoneGuide1_fbEver feel like the smartphones are taking over? The Pew Research Center recently reported that for the first time ever more than half of American adults, 56 percent, own smartphones.

In my family, at least, it does seem like the iPhone is taking over our bank account—and I’m sure I’m not alone in that assessment (especially when you consider that the two top carriers—Verizon and AT&T—pulled in nearly $18 billion in 2012 profits).

Sparked by the recent CUB/Validas estimate that Illinois smartphone owners are overpaying by $194 a year on bad data plans, CUB today released a brand new guide for you: “10 ways to reduce your smartphone bill.”

It’s free! Just “like” us on Facebook and you can download the guide. Please tell us your tips! You are the best source of information for what works in the battle to protect your bottom line.