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Don’t get HOT over your AC bill

Illinois households burn an average of $2,693 a year on energy bills, according to the federal Energy Information Administration, and half of that goes into heating and cooling. As summer approaches, it’s time to start thinking how to keep air conditioning bills from going through the roof. Repair or replace?…...

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Budget cuts = higher utility bills

BREAKING: An initial budget plan from the White House calls for costly cuts that will lead to higher utility bills. (ACT NOW!) These are among a long list of programs targeted for elimination: Energy Star: Provides assistance for energy efficiency programs. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP): Assists low-income families with heating…...

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Nicor wants a $208.5 million rate hike

BREAKING: Nicor Gas has filed for a $208.5 million rate hike. In a statement CUB said: Nicor Gas’ parent, Southern Company, made more than $2 billion in profits in 2016, so if the gas utility wants an increase it will have to prove that it needs one. CUB will give Nicor’s…...

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Take action: Efficiency on the chopping block

CUB travels across Illinois, and we find that almost everyone supports energy efficiency—because it’s THE BEST WAY to lower utility bills. That’s why we’re asking you to send a message to Congress and the White House to protect efficiency. We were concerned a month ago when the American Council for an Energy-Efficient…...

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ICC votes to extend investigation of Peoples Gas pipeline-replacement program

Read CUB’s statement about today’s Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) vote to extend an investigation into the horribly managed Peoples Gas pipeline-replacement program. Also, send a message to the ICC, thanking it for this development and urging it to hold the utility accountable. CUB Statement Today, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC)…...

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Victory! FERC rejects plan that could have sparked higher power bills in Central, Southern IL

CUB and other consumer advocates scored a major victory in Washington this week when federal regulators rejected a proposal that potentially would have cost Central and Southern Illinois consumers millions of dollars in higher power bills. On Thursday, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) said no to a proposal by…...

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Cable companies must love what’s happening at the FCC

There’s a new chairman at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and that could be bad news for your cable bills.   It’s disturbing that we pay $20 billion a year in fees because we have no other choice but to rent the set-top box from pay-TV companies like Comcast and…...

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AG Madigan to ABC 7: Peoples Gas pipe replacement program could double Chicago gas bills

Attorney General Lisa Madigan told ABC 7  this week that Peoples Gas’ wasteful, mismanaged pipeline replacement program could double Chicago gas bills in coming years.  So why is the utility saying NO to a cutting-edge technology that would help it replace pipes more efficiently?  Please, send a message to the Illinois Commerce Commission to fix…...

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One step closer to stopping Ameren’s attack on energy efficiency

This week our legal team received some good news: An Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) judge has recommended that the full ICC reject Ameren Illinois’ proposal to increase its customer charge by 9 percent. (Read CUB’s statement on the development.) Last August, the company had made the proposal, but CUB, Environmental…...

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Fight for lower Illinois American Water rates

CUB’s putting out a statewide consumer alert because we need your help in a case before the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). Customers of Illinois American Water have just received a $35.3 million rate hike. We helped reduce the proposed increase by about $14 million—but we think we can cut it even…...

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