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Illinoisans, your No. 1 job on Sunday: Stay Warm!

The National Weather Service has issued an advisory, saying frigid air and strong winds will combine to create wind chills of 20 to 30 degrees below zero through Monday morning. That means we might all be watching the coldest Bears-Packers game in Chicago history tomorrow–but it also means its wise to follow…...

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CUB Action Center: Tell legislators to support SB 2814 – A bill that boosts money-saving energy efficiency

Reasons to Support Senate Bill 2814 SB 2814 WILL LOWER UTILITY BILLS This legislation will save consumers money.  That’s the bottom line.  CUB has combed through the bill and performed a meticulous analysis of every provision in the legislation.  When all of the costs and benefits are added up, we…...

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Breaking: CUB throws support behind Future Energy Jobs Bill

The Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition–including CUB, One Northside, and Illinois People’s Action–now supports Senate Bill 2814, the Future Energy Jobs Bill, after months of hard work improving the legislation. CUB is pleased with a provision in the bill that would push energy efficiency standards to historic levels in Illinois, helping…...

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Take action to fight for energy efficiency

CUB’s working overtime in November, because we owe it to you to try to make history in Springfield. Here’s an update: This week, the General Assembly could vote on major energy legislation in the Veto Session. The legislation has historic energy efficiency standards to reduce electricity waste by more than 20% and spark at least…...

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Urgent: Call Springfield now

Some big energy lobbyists are invading Springfield to kill an energy efficiency plan that could lower our utility bills by at least $4 billion. Why? Because higher utility bills = big profits for them. But YOU can stop these big energy lobbyists if you make 3 calls TODAY! Please, call…...

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Are you on a community power deal?

CUB has sent out a special report about community power deals: Make sure you’re paying the lowest electricity rate possible! We customized this report for Northern Illinois consumers and people who live in Central/Southern Illinois....

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Checklist: What Everyone Should Know About Municipal Aggregation

What price is the supplier offering and how does it compare with the utility’s price? While it is a basic question, it is the key question for consumers: Will I save money with municipal aggregation? Ask community leaders to be clear about the price being offered and match it up…...

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Does your community have a power deal?

Illinois law allows municipalities and counties to purchase electricity on behalf of residential and small-business utility customers living within their borders. This is called municipal aggregation. This is a list of about 600 community power deals in Illinois, according to PlugInIllinois.0rg, the state of Illinois’ electricity choice website. (Communities are…...

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Tell ICC: Lower Ameren’s customer charge

We’ve sent out an action alert to Ameren Illinois customers, warning them about the company’s proposal to raise their electric customer charge by about 9 percent. This is a change in rate design, NOT a rate hike. That means the company isn’t going to make more money—it just wants to…...

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Sign CUB petition about AT&T-Time Warner merger

This week, CUB is asking Illinois consumers to sign our petition expressing concerns about AT&T’s push to buy Time Warner for $85.4 billion. The blockbuster deal, which will be subject to a Justice Department review, joins media giant Time Warner (owner of HBO, CNN and Warner Bros. Studio) with AT&T, the…...

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