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AT&T tells her ‘the check’s in the mail;’ (but it wasn’t!)

By: Sagar Dommaraju All Barbara Hardin wanted was the $11.78 AT&T owed her. For 11 months, she called the company a dozen times to try to get her money back. She had no such luck, until CUB got involved. When the retired homecare worker first noticed that she overpaid on…...

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CUB, NBC 5 Responds team up to get $1,500 refund

CUB worked with NBC 5 Responds to get a $1,500 refund for a retired couple on a “monumentally bad” natural gas deal. Here’s an odd twist: They did NOT sign up for the plan. Their neighbor did. This story is another good reason to ALWAYS read your gas/electric bills. ...

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Lessons from my summers in India: Staying cool without breaking the bank

By: Sagar Dommaraju Illinois summers are hot—but they’re nothing compared to the ones I experience when I visit relatives in southern India. Temperatures there easily top 100 degrees, cooling rains rarely fall, and—if you live in a rural village—air conditioning is unavailable at certain peak electricity times. But those stifling…...

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Breaking: Net neutrality upheld in federal court

Consumer advocates are celebrating a major victory today. Net neutrality was upheld in federal court.  The Washington Post reports (Cable and telecom companies just lost a huge court battle on net neutrality): By a 2-1 vote Tuesday, a federal appeals court upheld a series of strict new rules for Internet providers,…...

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Help Julie and Christie fight rate hikes!

CUB has launched its annual consumer campaign in June to rally Illinoisans against billions of dollars in rate hikes. We hope every community in Illinois signs our Rate-hike Fighters Petition. Take a look at the rate-hike battles  CUB General Counsel Julie Soderna and Senior Attorney Christie R. Hicks are juggling before…...

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CUB wants to know: What do YOU think is IL’s biggest rate-hike battle?

This week marks the beginning of our statewide Consumer Campaign. All month, we’ll be asking Illinois consumers to stand with our tiny legal team and fight billions of dollars in rate-hike battles. But first we want to get your opinion on what battle is most important to you. Vote here…...

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Summer scam alert: Who’s knocking at the door?

CUB has issued a summer scam alert. Be careful about anyone knocking at your door, claiming to be from the utility. Read all about the “utility imposter” scam, and take our pledge to warn your neighborhood!...

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ICC approves $10 million refund for Peoples Gas customers!

It’s official. The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) has approved an $18.5 million settlement that WEC Energy reached with Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s Office and CUB. The settlement calls for a $10 million refund for Peoples Gas customers. Yes! CUB said in a statement: We thank the ICC, led by…...

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CUB: Cut water rate hike by 60%

Expert testimony filed by CUB and other groups found that Illinois American Water’s $43 million rate-hike request should be slashed by more than 60 percent. “The expert testimony clearly shows that Illinois American’s rate-hike proposal is bloated,” CUB Executive Director David Kolata said. “Among other things, the analysis reveals that…...

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Lower summer power prices!

BREAKING NEWS—Electricity prices for ComEd and Ameren are dropping on June 1! Read CUB’s fact sheets to see the new prices for Ameren and ComEd.   Are you with an alternative supplier? Use CUB’s fact sheets to compare and check if you’re on a bad deal.  Of course with good…...

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