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Consumer sends heartfelt thank you after CUB saves her $60/month

By Samantha Vercellino Wanda Cunningham didn’t know how CUB could help her lower her high phone bills when she first called the consumer group. Now—one year later—the Olympia Fields resident credits her $60 a month savings to that fateful call. Wanda’s call was fielded by Bilingual Environmental Outreach Coordinator Ivonne Hernandez…...

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Let’s not foot the bill for a gas utility’s mistakes!

The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) is investigating a Peoples Gas pipe-replacement program after an audit found that it has been plagued by mismanagement. The ICC’s audit reveals projected costs for the program have ballooned to $4.6 billion—and that could cause consumer rates to double over the next decade. If that’s not…...

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June 1: The day a 30% increase in power prices took hold in Central, Southern IL

The fight against a 30 percent increase in power prices is heating up, just as the hike takes hold in Central and Southern Illinois. Here are the latest developments: The new prices took effect on June 1: 5.974 cents per kWh (zone 1) 5.911 cents per kWh (zone 2) 5.966…...

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The local phone plans that AT&T just doesn’t like

Read CUB Executive Director David Kolata’s statement on the General Assembly’s passage of a revised Illinois Telecommunications Act over the weekend. After a months-long Save Our Service (SOS) Campaign fighting Big Telecom, the revisions were a mixed bag for consumer advocates. CUB was glad that big phone companies failed in their…...

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IL Attorney General: Stop rate hikes in Southern and Central IL!

Let’s pump the brakes on these Ameren rate hikes. That’s the message coming loud and clear from the Illinois Attorney General’s office.  And it’s a message CUB wholeheartedly echoes. AG Lisa Madigan and consumer advocate group Public Citizen petitioned federal regulators yesterday to overturn a recent electricity auction that will lead to huge…...

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Beware of utility imposters

More than 1,000 consumers have signed CUB’s petition asking legislators to help fight the utility imposter scam. In this awful scam, con artists knock on your door or call you, pretending to be from the regulated utility and demanding quick payment of a bill to avoid a service shut-off. It’s been…...

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Beat the heat—and high energy bills this summer!

By Samantha Vercellino As the temperature rises, here’s a checklist to help you stay cool—and save money—through another scorching Illinois summer. Make sure your AC is sized properly. Contrary to popular belief, a larger unit will not cool a room better. Unlike an oversized AC unit, a properly-sized one will be more…...

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“Always-on” electronics costing consumers billions

“Always-on” electronics and devices cost users $19 billion per year when not in use, according to a new report from the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC). $19 billion.  Billion with a “b.” That’s about $165 a year in extra electricity expenses for the average household.  How is this possible? It’s…...

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1,781CUB members say “Hands off my water bill!”

Think you should have to pay for a service you don’t receive? We don’t either— and 1,781 CUB Action Network members agree! But that’s exactly what big water companies want.  Senate Bill 1421 would give a big profit boost to the state’s two largest water companies: Illinois American Water and Aqua Illinois.…...

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“A complete disaster”: The Peoples’ pipeline replacement program

A new report shows that a Peoples Gas pipeline replacement program has so far been full of hot air— and not much else! A recently released audit reveals Peoples’ multi-billion-dollar project to replace the City’s aging pipeline infrastructure has been plagued by mismanagement, inadequate quality controls, and faulty reporting and analysis. Consider this damning fact:…...

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