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March gas rates skyrocket

Illinois natural gas users all woke up to a more expensive reality over the weekend. March gas rates for the utilities shot up, prompting CUB to call for the increases to be investigated.   Peoples Gas customers will see their rates climb to a whopping 93 cents per therm.  North Shore…...

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Not Again

Just when we thought spring was upon us, news of March natural gas rates hit—and it’s a doozy. Peoples Gas and North Shore Gas, which serve the Chicago area, announced yesterday that March supply rates will soar to about 93 cents per therm and 88 cents per therm respectively.  That’s up…...

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Get ready for more cold

Temperatures are expected to drop AGAIN this week. (Anyone else reminded of the movie Groundhog Day?)  Wednesday might see lows between 0 and -10 degrees with a wind chill of -20 degrees to -30 degrees! The cold spike is expected to have some nasty consequences for your gas bill. Nicor’s…...

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State of high-speed Internet in the U.S.: Maddening, isn’t it?

This chart, from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), makes painfully clear what we’ve been hearing for so long: Consumers in the United States pay more for slower broadband. It sparked some strong opinions on CUB’s Facebook page. “Wow, that makes me sick,” said one CUB fan. So…...

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Gas Rates Skyrocket

The idea behind “Choices for You”—the program allowing Peoples Gas and North Shore Gas customers to choose an alternative company to supply their natural gas–is that you can shop around for the best gas price. But the history of gas choice in northern Illinois has been riddled with bad deals and…...

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Energy Reports: Helpful or Headache?

Not too long ago, CUB began noticing an uptick in complaints about periodic “energy reports” being sent to consumers from the utility companies.  The reports give consumers information about their home’s natural gas and electricity usage, include tips on making homes energy efficient, and compare energy usage to neighbors. While the…...

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CUB to FERC: What’s behind the January energy price spike?

Energy prices skyrocketed in January, and CUB suspects the reason might be more than just the record-breaking cold. Recently, we joined with consumer advocates from 10 other states in a letter urging the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to examine the root causes behind the price spike. “No doubt, January’s ‘polar…...

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The $42.5 billion Time Warner deal: Can Comcast pass the FCC test?

As Comcast today announced plans to gobble up Time Warner Cable for $45.2 billion, one of its favorite talking points was that the deal won’t hurt competition because the companies’ geographic markets don’t overlap. OK, but that’s indicative of the big problem. The cable/Internet market already is plagued by consolidation…...

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Hands Off My Internet!

Net neutrality—the principal that protects our right to a free and open Internet—could go the way of the dinosaur, thanks to a recent court decision. We need your help to fix it, before the Internet is open to the highest bidder! Net neutrality means that Internet Service Providers like AT&T, Comcast…...

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The ups and downs of Ameren rates, 2014

Ameren customers received a $45 million electric rate cut, as they were hit with a $32 million natural gas rate hike. So how does that affect 2014 bills? Both changes—ordered by the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) late last year—impact the delivery part of our bills. That’s what you pay Ameren…...

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