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ICC report: Northern Illinoisans losing money with alternative electric suppliers

By Sagar Dommaraju Northern Illinois consumers with alternative electricity suppliers have lost $188.6 million over the last two years, according to the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) in an  annual electric competition report. The ICC’s Office of Retail Market Development said in its annual report that Illinois consumers with another supplier lost…...

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Take CUB’s quick poll for a chance to win a smart thermostat!

By Sagar Dommaraju Take CUB’s quick poll and you could be randomly selected to win a free smart thermostat, valued at up to $250. CUB will pick a winner at midnight Sunday, July 31. If you take the poll, we’ll also send you information on smart thermostat rebates (up to…...

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Help Julie and Christie fight rate hikes!

CUB has launched its annual consumer campaign in June to rally Illinoisans against billions of dollars in rate hikes. We hope every community in Illinois signs our Rate-hike Fighters Petition. Take a look at the rate-hike battles  CUB General Counsel Julie Soderna and Senior Attorney Christie R. Hicks are juggling before…...

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Congrats to CUB’s Membership Survey Winner!

Congratulations to Joyce H. of Urbana for winning $100 off of her next power bill—and two efficient LED bulbs— through CUB’s Executive Director’s Mid-year Membership Survey! Joyce’s name was randomly selected from a pool of 1,120 other participants after telling CUB which rate-hike battle mattered most to her. The membership…...

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CUB wants to know: What do YOU think is IL’s biggest rate-hike battle?

This week marks the beginning of our statewide Consumer Campaign. All month, we’ll be asking Illinois consumers to stand with our tiny legal team and fight billions of dollars in rate-hike battles. But first we want to get your opinion on what battle is most important to you. Vote here…...

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What’s happening to your Ameren power bills?

Read this Q&A about your Ameren power bills and take our quick poll. So what’s happening to my Ameren electric bill? Two developments in April could impact your Ameren power bill. First, Ameren announced that it has asked the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) for a rate cut of about $14…...

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Fight unfair utility legal fees

A CUB review of recent rate-hike cases found that Illinois utilities have slapped their customers with more than $40 million in legal fees, meaning the hard-earned cash consumers burn on their utility bills actually bankrolls corporate legal teams battling to increase those same bills. But CUB is pushing new legislation…...

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Consumer to CUB: You saved my butt!

I received this report from a CUB member about an encounter he had with an alternative supplier–a company we haven’t heard of in the market. The consumer thanks everyone at CUB for “saving my butt.” Last Wednesday night (March 9th), shortly after dinner, my doorbell rang.  Very unusual for my doorbell…...

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Results of quick poll on Exelon Bill

Nearly 1,900 people responded to our informal survey about a push by Illinois’ biggest energy company, ComEd-parent Exelon, to raise electric bills by up to $1.6 billion–and eight out of 10 said NO to the idea. Exelon says keeping its nuclear plants open will fight climate change—and they need economic help. Opponents…...

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EIA: ‘U.S. households will pay the lowest…gas bills this winter in more than a decade’

Aside from this week’s brutal cold, warmer-than-normal winter weather is a big reason natural gas prices have plunged. Over the last four months, average prices for the major utilities have dropped by as much as 49 percent. “U.S. households will pay the lowest heating oil and natural gas bills this winter in…...

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