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Why CUB continues the fight for landlines

Can you count on your cellphone carrier to save your life? When you dial 911 from a cellphone, most consumers may expect dispatchers to immediately know their location. However, current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules only require your carrier to provide location data that is accurate within 50-300 meters, according…...

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Cut your TV costs with CUB’s updated cable guide

In September, we asked and you answered: The utility bill you hate the most is cable. The average consumer pays $100-$200 a month on their cable bill, but only watches an average of 17 channels! That’s why we’ve updated CUB’s Guide to Cutting Your TV Costs with the most recent…...

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CUB’s NEW cable guide

When we last asked CUB members to name their worst bill, more than half said it was their cable/internet bill! In honor of CUB’s 35th anniversary, we’ve revamped our popular (and FREE) “Guide to Cutting Your TV Costs.” It has the most up-to-date information you need to reduce your bloated…...

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A year after net neutrality: Death by a thousand cuts

Net neutrality has been dead for a little more than a year, and the internet hasn’t collapsed. Does that mean net neutrality wasn’t that important after all? Far from it. For one, states are making their own laws, there are lawsuits, and ISPs are holding back from any drastic changes…...

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Do robocallers know where I am?

Last week my cell phone rang, and the caller ID said it was my young son’s afterschool program. I don’t get calls from afterschool, so immediately I thought that my son was sick or hurt. But when I picked up, it was just a robocall, specifically the Chinese consulate scam,…...

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Tell big TV companies: Be truthful with your customers!

Big companies like AT&T and Comcast like to jack up our TV/internet bills by slapping us with sneaky fees. These add-ons have official-sounding names like “regional sports fee” or “broadcast TV surcharge,” but don’t be fooled: These are NOT government charges! These company-imposed fees allow big corporations to hide the true…...

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Tell Congress: Reform pay TV

In a quick poll CUB released last week, 98 percent of you showed support for a “Pay TV Customer’s Bill of Rights”! This week, we want to share those results with Illinois’ Congressional Delegation, and urge it to push for consumer protections for pay TV customers. Here’s the question we…...

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Does Illinois support cable reforms?

Answer our quick poll and next week we’ll share the results with Illinois’ Congressional delegation. Do you want Congress to pass a “Pay TV Customer’s Bill of Rights,” including the following reforms:     Requiring Pay TV companies to offer a basic, low-cost package. Reducing or eliminating excessive charges, such as cable…...

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Tell us your landline story

How do people feel about losing their landline phone service? “They’re terrified,” Julie Vahling, AARP Illinois associate state director, said in a recent TV interview. We want to hear how YOU feel. AT&T has won state legislation to eventually end landline phone service in Illinois—but it still needs to get…...

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Illinois Internet Update

Update on the battle to protect our Internet: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) this week formally voted to move forward with a proposal to gut Internet consumer protections called “net neutrality.” We want to thank the 2,000 people who signed our initial petition earlier this month. Here’s why it’s important…...

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