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Comcast at it again?

Just when you think it can’t get any worse, news emerged this week of yet another Comcast customer service fiasco. Mary Bauer opened her bill last month to discover her bill had been addressed to “Super B***h Bauer.”   The Addison resident had previously spent nearly a year going back and forth with…...

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Update: Net Neutrality

Earlier this week, we talked about Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler’s announcement of plans to introduce strong protections in his upcoming proposal for rules on net neutrality.  Now, we have some more details on the plan, which promises to save the free and open Internet. The FCC released a statement this week…...

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New year, new hope for the Internet?

Recently at the world’s largest consumer electronics show, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler appeared to defend the reclassification of broadband Internet under Title II of the Telecommunications Act. That bombshell appears to be a big win for net neutrality, the idea that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) must treat all Internet content…...

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Deceptive Billing: 3 Tips to Protect Yourself

Imagine you’ve just signed up for Broadband Internet Service for $34.99 per month.  You’re pretty content with the deal, and soon spend your days in a quiet reverie of Pinterest, Netflix documentaries, and cat videos… …until you get your first month’s bill: $94.95! That’s what happened to Jeremy Zielinski of New York…...

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More TV options?

Tired of flipping through a host of channels you pay for but don’t watch? We know the feeling! If you’re like most of us, you’re paying for more channels than you need.  Right now, channels are offered only as part of large “bundles” and are not available individually. Non-sports fans…...

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The quest for “a la carte” cable

If you’re like most cable customers, you are probably paying for more channels than you’ll ever watch.  That’s because Pay TV providers like Comcast and Time Warner only offer channels as part of expensive “bundles,” rather than letting you purchase channels individually.  Non-sports fans are paying for ESPN.  Retirees are paying…...

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The Battle for the Internet

Hate this symbol? We do, too.  But if Big Cable has its way, you’ll be seeing a lot more of it. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like Comcast, Verizon and AT&T are already famous for bad customer service and exorbitant prices.  Now they want to take on the their last competitor–the free…...

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CUB consumer advocates 2, big cable 0

Comcast has been receiving a lot of flack for its less-than-stellar customer service calls.  It’s unfortunately no surprise to the members of CUB’s consumer advocacy team, who know a thing or two  about dealing with unruly cable/Internet customer service. Take the case of Tony R.: Tony’s father, Robert, had switched…...

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Last chance!

Fed up with your cable choices?  Make your voice heard while there’s still time! The Federal Communications Commission’s open comment period for the proposed Comcast/Time Warner merger ends August 25th.  Sign CUB’s petition demanding the FCC either reject the deal or ensure these basic consumer protections: Mandatory compensation to customers who suffer…...

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Which company grinds your gears?

Over 30 years of service, we have seen all sorts of utility mischief: sky-high bills, unresponsive customer service, confusing rates. And in a year of astronomical prices and frequent rate-hike requests, we know there’s still plenty to complain about. So here’s your chance to air it out: In honor of CUB’s 30th anniversary, we’re…...

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