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Study reveals October disconnection surge

Special consumer protections and a ninefold expansion in utility bill assistance in 2020 helped keep disconnections low during widespread economic stress caused by the pandemic, with the exception of October. In October 2020, disconnections doubled as utilities lifted their ban on shut offs, according to a new Tufts University study.…...

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Climate change could raise electric bills by $10.9 billion, CUB research says

Climate change will cause ComEd customers to pay an additional $10.9 billion on their electric bills over the next 30 years, a new CUB study shows. The research proves a point that CUB has long made: Climate change is bad for consumers’ bottom lines. It also underscores the importance of…...

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New power prices for June 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021

As of June 1, ComEd and Ameren are charging new prices for electricity. It’s important that you know the price for electricity to protect yourself from bad deals being peddled by alternative power suppliers. Illinois consumers have lost more than $1 billion to these suppliers since 2015. Under these market…...

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Illinois consumers rally to pass CEJA: “A bill for Illinoisans historically and systematically shut out and forgotten”

Consumers from across the state gathered on Zoom and Facebook today for a virtual environmental justice lobby day in support of the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA), comprehensive energy legislation currently before the Illinois General Assembly. The second virtual lobby day, today’s event saw Illinois residents meeting with their legislators…...

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BREAKING: CUB vows to fight ComEd’s $51 million rate-hike request

ComEd has announced it wants a $51 million rate hike.  Below is CUB’s statement from Executive Director David Kolata. ComEd’s $51 million rate-hike request is bad timing, as an unprecedented number of consumers struggle to pay their utility bills during the pandemic. Our legal team will study ComEd’s rate-hike filing…...

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CUB urges Illinois consumers to contact their utilities to access consumer protections

The Citizens Utility Board is urging Illinois consumers to contact their utility companies immediately to take advantage of consumer protections available to them due to the pandemic. A state moratorium on shutoffs expires on April 1, so it is vital that people who are struggling to afford their bills get in…...

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Data access critical for lower utility bills, fighting climate change

When I login to my ComEd customer account, I can see how many kilowatt-hours of electricity I used yesterday. I can compare my usage yesterday to the same day last year, and I can see how my energy efficiency efforts stack up against my neighbors. This energy usage data in…...

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CEJA sponsors reintroduce bill, pledge to pass legislation by May

Members of the Illinois General Assembly and the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition today reintroduced a stronger Clean Energy Jobs Act, with a pledge from bill sponsors to pass the comprehensive energy legislation in the General Assembly by May 2021. “The days of ComEd, Exelon, Ameren, and big fossil fuel companies…...

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CUB urges consumers to call utilities, access protections

CUB is urging Illinois consumers to contact their utility companies to take advantage of consumer protections available to them due to the pandemic. “If you are struggling to pay your bills, immediately contact your utility to find out what protections are available, and set up a plan to prevent disconnection,”…...

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Q&A on the ComEd and Ameren Formula Rates for 2021 

What happened?  On Wednesday, Dec. 9, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) approved delivery rate cuts for Ameren Illinois and ComEd customers. The ICC voted to give ComEd a delivery rate decrease of about $14 million.  The state regulatory body OK’d a decrease of about $48.7 million for Ameren. The lower…...

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