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Consumer Victories

CUB helps consumer secure $203 refund from alternative supplier rip-off

CUB’s Ivonne Rychwa helped a visitor to one of our popular utility bill clinics secure a $203 refund after being overcharged by an alternative supplier. Ivonne, CUB’s Lead Community Liaison, met Teofilo at the Round Lake Utility Bill Clinic on Aug. 19 and discovered that he was in the kind…...

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CUB Tribute: Randy Fritz, 1949-2019

By Jim Chilsen, CUB Director of Communications When I heard the sad news that former CUB Board President William R. “Randy” Fritz had passed away, I remembered my old friend’s booming laugh at the the many CUB events we had attended across Illinois.  Randy was a member of our board…...

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Citizens Utility Board’s Mid-Year Report

By Executive Director David Kolata In 2019, the Citizens Utility Board (CUB) celebrates 35 years of fighting for Illinois consumers. We were a long shot when a handful of people led by pioneering Executive Director Sue Stewart began working for consumers in May of 1984. “Those who expect the citizens’…...

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Good news on a Friday night: General Assembly passes historic consumer protections

Just wanted to share this statement from CUB Executive Director David Kolata on a major victory for consumers at the General Assembly tonight: STATEMENT FROM CUB EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DAVID KOLATA ON PASSAGE OF HEAT ACT The Citizens Utility Board (CUB) thanks the General Assembly for passing the HEAT Act, historic…...

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At the Supreme Court: A victory for clean energy

This month, Illinois consumers got good news: The U.S. Supreme Court rejected a request to review appellate court decisions that upheld the right for states to advance clean energy goals through “zero-emission credit” (ZEC) programs in Illinois and New York. On Twitter, CUB called it an “important victory for cost-effective…...

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Working for a clean energy future as easy as 1-2-3

The Citizens Utility Board (CUB) staffs more than 400 free events a year—which means just about every day the consumer group is somewhere in Illinois spreading an important message: clean energy = affordable energy. Jim’s a believer. He’s a frequent visitor to CUB events and recently dropped by our utility-bill…...

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‘Like magic’: Consumer Advocacy Department captures $108,000+ in savings

Each year, thousands of Illinois consumers contact CUB’s Consumer Advocacy Department (CAD), to ask a question or file a complaint about an electric, gas, or telecom/cable company behaving badly. In 2018 alone, the department saved people more than $108,000, including: • $62,082.76, for an apartment building that was the victim of…...

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Consumer’s persistence and CUB lead to $797 Sprint credit

Your monthly cellphone bill already takes a chunk out of your wallet, and even more if you have multiple people on one plan. So when Moira Melendez and her son Michael found a “buy one, get one free” offer, they thought they had come across a great deal.  But the months…...

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From the CUB files: The case of the “mixed meter,” and a $495 refund

Each year, thousands of Illinoisans call CUB with complaints or inquiries about their utility companies—that includes Charlene. The 75-year-old condo resident didn’t know why her electric bill had skyrocketed. She cares about efficiency—turns off lights, unplugs unused appliances, sets the thermostat no higher than 68 degrees, and avoids energy guzzlers…...

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She wondered why her electric bill had skyrocketed

By Ivonne Ortiz, Environmental Outreach Coordinator, CUB  Each year, CUB helps thousands of Illinoisans who have complaints/inquiries about their utility companies. Recently, I took the complaint of a ComEd customer who wondered why her power bills were skyrocketing. She lives alone in a condo and hadn’t made any changes to her…...

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