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CUB Tips

Hot weather tips from CUB

During steamy summer days, NEVER keep your home too hot because you’re worried about the electric bill. Remember, energy efficiency has cut Illinois utility bills by $4 billion since 2008. There are ways to stay cool and safe without breaking the bank. Be safe. If you’re at home, using a…...

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Earth Day tips to help you go green and save green

On Earth Day, it’s a good time to evaluate how you can be more energy-efficient. At CUB, we believe energy efficiency not only helps the environment, but also can help save you money. Here are some quick tasks you can do this Earth Day that can save some green for the…...

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Keep Fido happy without breaking the bank

Pet owners love their animals and will do anything to keep them safe and healthy. But even in extreme temperatures, you don’t have to choose between keeping your pet comfortable and minimizing your energy costs. Charlie Charlie’s human: Deputy Director Kristin Use a programmable or smart thermostat. Don’t be afraid…...

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10 ways to get your home ready for summer

After the recent blast of wintry weather, it’s hard to believe summer is on the way, but it will be here before you know it. Now’s the time to get ready. 1) Schedule HVAC maintenance. Before the hot weather hits, schedule an appointment with an expert to check your equipment’s performance. An HVAC…...

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Shopping for electricity/gas? Become a detail person

We have a database full of people who signed up for what they thought was a good deal from an alternative electric or gas supplier–before they got slammed with an extremely high rate. If you want to shop in the electric or gas markets in Illinois, or if you’re approached…...

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The 5 questions you should ask every time you open your electric or gas bill

CUB staffs more than 400 events a year, which means on average not a day goes by where CUB isn’t somewhere showing someone how to save money. Our utility-bill clinics are great events, but we want to empower consumers to do their own bill analysis. Read our how-to article, “5…...

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Keeping your home comfortable without breaking the bank

Follow these winter tips to save energy and money. Don’t jack up your thermostat. The Department of Energy recommends keeping the thermostat at 68 degrees while you’re awake and at home. But when you’re asleep or away, you can turn it lower. Our friends at the Citizens Utility Board in Minnesota,…...

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A CUB Buyer’s Guide to LED Bulbs

Lighting accounts for approximately 20 percent of a typical electric bill, so using energy efficient bulbs can result in big savings. If enough people switch to LEDs (light-emitting diodes), by 2027 the U.S. could save about $265 billion, according to a Department of Energy estimate. But how do you choose…...

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Yes, it’s time to start thinking about winter

It may not seem like it, but winter is approaching and it’s time to make your monthly to-do list for getting your home ready for the cold season. A suggested schedule: September: -Have your furnace inspected by a certified HVAC professional before the winter. If you have a heating system…...

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How to make your home bearable in a heat wave

With potentially dangerous heat on the horizon as the summer months come into focus, CUB has tips on how residents can keep their homes cool, safe and energy efficient. Remember these to stay comfortable during the dog days of summer: –Raising your thermostat by only two degrees and using a…...

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