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CUB Tips

Slay “vampire power” with smart power strips

Appliances and electronics can suck up power even when you’re not using them. This wasteful “phantom” or “vampire” power can account for up to 20 percent of residential energy use. But a smart power strip can help tame this problem. It saves energy on devices that are on stand-by—they’re plugged in and…...

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My summer EE checklist (grandpa would be proud)

By Scott Allen, CUB Environmental Outreach Coordinator (Hillsboro) As the weather turns warm, it’s time to get your home ready for summer. And that reminds me of the jobs I used to do for my grandpa, when I was a kid in Griggsville, Illinois, population 1,200. Over time, Grandpa Jerry, a…...

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Don’t get HOT over your AC bill

Illinois households burn an average of $2,693 a year on energy bills, according to the federal Energy Information Administration, and half of that goes into heating and cooling. As summer approaches, it’s time to start thinking how to keep air conditioning bills from going through the roof. Repair or replace?…...

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Hot tip: ComEd’s Hourly Pricing program might be right for you!

More than a million Illinois consumers are with alternative suppliers, but CUB would like to alert people to yet another choice: Commonwealth Edison’s Hourly Pricing program. The program lets customers take advantage of hourly market-based electricity rates, which tend to be lower during nights and weekends. While not for everyone, thousands of…...

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Want to lower your cellphone data bill?

One of the biggest sources of frustration for smartphone users is exorbitant data rates. However, there are measures you can take to prevent paying more than you have to on your next bill. (The Cleveland Plain Dealer ran a series of stories about data overages, including some really helpful tips, after…...

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Illinoisans, your No. 1 job on Sunday: Stay Warm!

The National Weather Service has issued an advisory, saying frigid air and strong winds will combine to create wind chills of 20 to 30 degrees below zero through Monday morning. That means we might all be watching the coldest Bears-Packers game in Chicago history tomorrow–but it also means its wise to follow…...

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Move to Miami? Here’s what you do to battle the cold!

We were overwhelmed with responses to our October poll asking people to share their best winter efficiency tip. We randomly selected one respondent–Jack, from Evanston–to win $100. His tip turned out to be one of the most unique out of the 200+ responses we received. Jack said he has a “long,…...

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How low should you set your thermostat?

If you live in a household with multiple people, a couple degrees on the thermostat could spark the biggest arguments. So, let’s settle it once and for all: Where should you set your home’s temperature? The Department of Energy says setting your thermostat back 7-10 degrees from its normal setting for eight hours…...

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Give us your best winter efficiency tips, you could win $100

As we pull out our winter jackets from storage and hunker down for the (hopefully  short) winter, CUB wants to receive your best cold-weather energy efficiency tip. We want to hear hear from the real experts on Illinois winters: utility customers like you! Fill out this form and you could be randomly…...

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Prepare your home for the cold!

It may be hard to believe that winter is coming with balmy temperatures on the first day of fall, But now is the time to prepare your home for the cold months ahead. Make sure your windows and doors are properly prepared by: Inspecting cracked or broken glass, examining door frames…...

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