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How to: Determine the right size of your room air conditioner

Choosing the right size room air conditioner can significantly impact its performance and efficiency. Contrary to popular belief, a larger unit doesn’t always mean better cooling. It’s crucial to ensure that the air conditioner size matches the room’s dimensions and uses. Here’s how to determine the optimal size for your…...

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Tips for fighting high summer electric bills

Climate change is a threat to our health and safety, and also our bottom lines. A CUB study found that increasingly hot weather will cause ComEd customers to pay an additional $10.9 billion on their electric bills over the next 30 years. Energy efficiency can help soften the blow. Check…...

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Spring into savings with CUB’s energy efficiency tips

It’s time to get your home ready for warmer weather. Remember: Energy efficiency is just as important during the spring and summer as it is during the winter so make sure to include these home maintenance tasks on your spring cleaning checklist:   Air conditioning maintenance. Clean or replace your air…...

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Saving energy and money at home– the renter’s edition

By: Kate Shonk Sustainable Communities Liason The summer cooling season is upon us, and at CUB we’re here to help all Illinoisans save energy and money. For consumers who rent their homes, it can be hard to have control over their building’s efficiency measures–but you still have options. Even if…...

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Getting ready for Spring? Tips on keeping your utility bills low

As you do some spring cleaning, remember that a few easy swaps can help you maximize your energy efficiency. These tips are easy and effective at preventing higher-than-average utility bills, while also being good for the planet.  Here are some of CUB’s top tips for keeping your power bill to…...

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Preparing for an Expensive Summer: Your Energy Efficiency Shopping List

In 2021, homes across the country used about 235 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity to cool their homes–that’s about 16 percent of total residential energy consumption. So as we prepare for an expensive summer, it pays to improve your home’s efficiency. CUB put together a  home-improvement shopping list for better energy…...

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First person: Home energy assessment simple, easy, helpful for CUB lawyer

By Eric DeBellis CUB Regulatory Counsel As a lawyer at CUB and a new homeowner, I figured I ought to practice what I preach, so I signed up for a home energy audit through my utility this winter. My experience was simple, easy, and helpful. An energy efficiency technician from…...

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Save on your summer bills with these thermostat tips

The return of summer heat prompts most homeowners to turn down their thermostat. But before you crank the AC, learning to set your thermostat effectively can be a game changer for you and your utility bills. In the summer, the U.S. Department of Energy recommends setting  your thermostat to 78°F…...

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Utility Diaries: A Month of Bills in Urbana, Illinois

In Utility Diaries, we look at what different households across Illinois pay in a month for utility expenses.  Today’s household consists of two people in a rented house in Urbana.   Housing Background Location: Urbana, IL Household Size: 2 people Housing Type: House Rent or Own: Rent Square Footage: 1,215 Year…...

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Take the Earth Day Pledge, You Could Win an Energy Efficiency Kit

Earth Day is Thursday, April 22, but we know the battle for a cleaner, healthier environment can’t be limited to one day a year. The fight for the planet takes place in homes across the world every day.  For some, helping the environment might look like practicing energy efficiency, conserving…...

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