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Gas utilities

June gas prices are here, and we’re left scratching our heads

Illinois utilities have filed their June gas prices with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) and all look in line with May’s prices except for one whopping difference from Liberty Utilities. The price from that utility shot up from about 69 cents a therm to nearly 95 cents a therm. But…...

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CUB testimony recommends deep cuts in Ameren gas hike

Ameren Illinois is pushing to raise its profit rate for shareholders to a higher level than any other Illinois utility seeking a rate increase, the Citizens Utility Board (CUB) revealed Monday, as it urged regulators to slash the proposal by at least $59.2 million. “Ameren’s push to increase gas bills…...

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May gas prices continue decline across the board (well, almost!)

Continuing a promising trend, six of 9 gas utilities lowered their supply rates from April to May–but Peoples Gas, the much-criticized gas utility for Chicago residents, raised their price by 21 percent, according to a CUB review of May pricing information the companies filed with the state. The good news…...

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April gas prices continue their decline–for most utilities

Gas supply rates are continuing to drop for most major utilities in Illinois, and they are far below the price spikes of 2022, according to a CUB review of April pricing information the companies filed with the state. Heating gas prices have decreased by up to 38 percent between March…...

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Governor pushes for better accountability of gas utilities (we agree!)

Governor J.B. Pritzker recently wrote an op-ed in the Chicago Sun-Times calling on gas utilities to be made more accountable to consumers and state regulators. The op-ed comes in the wake of news that gas utilities are pushing for a record $887 million in rate hikes.  CUB and other consumer…...

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March gas prices plunge for some companies (finally)

CUB is glad to report that gas supply rates are continuing to decrease–even plunging for some companies–after almost two years of elevated prices.  Nicor, Illinois’ largest gas utility, is charging under 50 cents per therm for the first time in two years, and the supply price for Peoples Gas and…...

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February continues trend of lower gas prices–but they’re still higher than 2021

Some good news: Gas prices for February continue the downward trend we’ve been seeing the last few months. Plus, recently the Energy Information Administration, the statistical arm of the U.S. Energy Department, eased its prediction on how much more Midwest natural gas customers could pay on average this winter–from 29…...

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January gas prices still way up–will we see some relief in 2023?

Natural gas supply prices dropped for about half of Illinois’ major gas utilities from December to January, but the prices are still at significantly high levels for the second consecutive winter.  “We’re hoping that sometime in the new year we’ll see these price spikes ease for all customers, but the…...

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Q&A: High natural gas bills in Illinois

Natural gas bills are at their highest level in years, and the two major reasons are: overly aggressive spending by gas utilities and skyrocketing supply prices. Read our Q&A to get the details. How expensive has this been for consumers?    People in Illinois who heat their homes with natural…...

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December natural gas prices fall for many utilities–although they’re still painfully high

For the second straight month, natural gas prices have dropped for all or most of Illinois’ utilities. But most gas customers are still paying about double or worse than they did just two years ago for the volatile fossil fuel. “Nobody has a crystal ball, but we’re thankful for this…...

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