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CUB’s 2019 Year in Review: ‘These victories are your victories.’

In CUB’s 35th year fighting for consumers, we set a new record for staffing money-saving events, marked a historic legislative victory, and worked on cases that have the potential to secure $90 million in refunds, rate cuts and other consumer benefits. CUB Executive Director David Kolata said this work is…...

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Natural gas bills predicted to drop–unless you live in the Midwest

Midwesterners who use natural gas to heat their homes could see their bills go up slightly this winter season, even as the nationwide average drops, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).  The EIA, the statistical arm of the Department of Energy, predicts that average gas bills in the Midwest…...

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CUB in your community: November 2019 events

CUB’s Outreach team is on track to smash their record for the highest number of events in a year — the team has hosted 522 events and worked with nearly 20,000 attendees so far in 2019! In doing so, Outreach has shown Illinois consumers how to save more than $11,000…...

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CUB helps consumer secure $203 refund from alternative supplier rip-off

CUB’s Ivonne Rychwa helped a visitor to one of our popular utility bill clinics secure a $203 refund after being overcharged by an alternative supplier. Ivonne, CUB’s Lead Community Liaison, met Teofilo at the Round Lake Utility Bill Clinic on Aug. 19 and discovered that he was in the kind…...

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CUB: Clean Energy Jobs Act would “protect our pocketbooks and the planet”

Saying Illinois urgently needs the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA) “to protect our pocketbooks and the planet,” CUB Executive Director David Kolata testified before a Chicago City Council committee today in support of a resolution endorsing the legislation now before the General Assembly in Springfield.   The Committee on Environmental Protection…...

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Nicor hike cut by 27%–but still too high for CUB

CUB helped reduce Nicor Gas’ record-high rate-hike request by more than $62 million, but the watchdog’s work isn’t over: It will challenge the state regulatory ruling to try to save consumers more money. On Oct. 2, just as the winter heating season began, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) granted Nicor…...

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Five things to remember about your bills

In our first-ever “virtual utility bill clinic,” CUB members from 64 different cities across Illinois submitted their utility bills to get CUB’s unique utility-bill checkup service from the comfort of their own homes. CUB holds 400-500 events a year, but the virtual clinic was an attempt to reach people who…...

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Take the home heating quiz

October is the beginning of the winter heating season (GULP!) and it’s also Energy Awareness Month. This is the perfect time to take CUB’s Home Heating Quiz and test your energy knowledge. You could win a free energy-saving kit from CUB that includes: two LED light bulbs, a smart power strip, and…...

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CUB alert: Your utility’s October gas prices

Here are the gas prices you can expect to pay this month to the regulated gas utility in your area: Nicor Gas: 29 cents per therm Ameren: 35.869 cents per therm Peoples Gas: 28.26 cents per therm North Shore Gas: 32.45 cents per therm In honor of Energy Efficiency Day…...

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New power prices for Oct. 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020

Did you know that ComEd and Ameren are charging new prices for electricity? It’s important to know what these prices are in order to make an apples-to-apples comparison with alternative electric supplier offers (called the “price to compare”). WARNING: These prices are likely your best bet—since 2015, Illinois consumers with…...

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