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Tell Gov. Pritzker what Washington did

Why our fight just got more urgent: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) this summer officially rolled back power-plant regulations designed to make our electricity cleaner and more affordable. As Washington does everything it can to prop up failing, expensive and dirty coal-fired power plants, it’s vital that Illinois become a…...

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Breaking: Electricity rip-offs more likely this summer

96-year-old Elizabeth Davis gets ripped off every time she turns on the lights. She and other customers of alternative electric suppliers have overpaid by $600 million in recent years, according to the Illinois Attorney General’s Office. That’s why I want to share this important news: State legislators just passed some of…...

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The HEAT Act: One of the nation’s toughest consumer protection laws against gas and electric rip-offs

In a victory for consumers, the Illinois General Assembly has unanimously passed and the governor has signed one of the nation’s toughest consumer-protection laws to fight rip-offs peddled by alternative electric and gas suppliers. At the end of May, the Illinois General Assembly unanimously passed the Home Energy Affordability and…...

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Update from the State Capitol: Fighting for cleaner energy and lower utility bills

This year alone, CUB Action Network members have sent more than 7,500 messages to Springfield in favor of good legislation and against bad bills—amazing! But we know tracking all these bills can get confusing. As we enter the last week of the General Assembly’s Spring Legislative Session, here’s a summary…...

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You vs. expensive power plants

All this year, you’ve been a big help fighting bad proposals in Springfield. And it’s paying off. The bad bills have been stalled and the energy bill that CUB supports—the Clean Energy Jobs Act—is gaining traction for the Fall Veto Session in November. But there’s one more bill we need…...

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Executive Director’s Report

Because of CUB’s most valuable supporters, here’s an update on where we’re at with some key battles in Springfield. Also, we want to let you know about a special offer in honor of CUB’s 35th anniversary. 35 years ago this month, a small group of consumer advocates began challenging high…...

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Good news, for a change

It’s easy to get discouraged when talking about rate hikes and rip-offs. But here’s some good news: One of Illinois’ biggest newspapers praised the Clean Energy Jobs Act, which CUB has been fighting for in Springfield. Read the Chicago Sun-Times editorial.  Please send a message to your legislators in favor of…...

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Breaking: City Council hearing on Peoples Gas

CUB wants to alert you to an important event for Peoples Gas customers on Wednesday. We hope you can be there! Ald. George Cardenas’ Health & Environmental Protection Committee is holding a hearing on a growing problem in Chicago: soaring Peoples Gas bills due to the utility’s mismanaged pipeline replacement…...

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Why we need a Clean Energy Jobs Act

By David Kolata, CUB Executive Director (Update: Since this column was written, the House Energy and Environment Committee voted to advance the Clean Energy Jobs Act, sponsored by State Rep. Ann Williams and State Sen. Cristina Castro [House Bill 3624/Senate Bill 2132]. The bill awaits a committee vote in the…...

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March update: A message from CUB Executive Director David Kolata

We’re tackling big problems, and it’s easy to get discouraged. But I want you to know your support and activism are making a difference in this world. Thank you! More people are hearing our message. Over the last month, we’ve sent about 5,000 emails to the General Assembly. You’ve fought…...

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