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What’s it like at a CUB event?

By Matt Kulling, CUB Communications Assistant  When I was asked to attend a few CUB events out in the field, I didn’t know what to expect. I heard from the staffers in our outreach department that events were eye-opening and fun experiences, but I had no idea what was in…...

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What companies have the highest power prices in Illinois?

Ivonne Ortiz, CUB’s Environmental Outreach Coordinator, researches the prices offered by Illinois’ alternative electricity suppliers each week, and she has some significant updates for you: Supplier sued. State Attorney General Lisa Madigan has filed a lawsuit against Sperian Energy, seeking to bar the supplier from the Illinois market. The attorney general’s lawsuit…...

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Is home phone service really getting better?

In its push to eventually end landlines in Illinois, AT&T has promised that home phone service isn’t going away, it’s getting better. There are plenty of Illinois consumers who, along with CUB, dispute that. CUB did an analysis of AT&T’s phone options: Landlines:  Pros: Landlines are reliable and, at around $20 or…...

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We have a winner in our smart thermostat solar eclipse giveaway!

Congratulations to Sarah from Evanston for being selected to receive a smart thermostat as part of our special solar eclipse giveaway. Although she said she isn’t “quotable,” Sarah said she was grateful for the work CUB has done. “I do appreciate all the hard work CUB puts forth into trying…...

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AT&T: Consumer’s Choice plans end Nov. 17

What happened? In a letter sent to consumers, AT&T announced that as of Nov. 17, 2017, the company’s Consumer’s Choice plans, Illinois’ best local phone deals, will end. Why is this happening? In July, the Illinois General Assembly passed a rewrite of the state Telecommunications Act that eliminated the requirement…...

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What do you need to know about the upcoming solar eclipse?

What’s happening?  On Monday, Aug. 21, a total solar eclipse will pass over the continental U.S. for the first time since 1979—and a 70-mile swath of Southern Illinois (including Carbondale, Carterville, Makanda and Waterloo) will be among the nation’s best places to see it. In fact, the Makanda area will…...

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Your landline stories

Over the past couple of months, CUB has been collecting your stories about why you need to keep traditional landline service an option in Illinois. Here are some of the hundreds of messages we’ve received: My landline gives me an extra feeling of security. Cellphones are great when out but…...

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Don’t fall for these energy efficiency myths

There’s a lot of information out there about what you should do to keep your home more efficient. Unfortunately, a lot of it is untrue or misleading. Here are some of the most common or misleading energy efficiency myths CUB found, so you can avoid the mistakes and still save…...

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Scott overwhelmed by support from CUB members, staff

Scott Allen, CUB’s environmental outreach coordinator in Hillsboro, knew he had a tough road to recovery after a harrowing collision with a semi-truck. But the avid runner has put in the time at physical therapy, for a quicker return to the trails—and work. “The doctors told me that it would…...

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Does Illinois support cable reforms?

Answer our quick poll and next week we’ll share the results with Illinois’ Congressional delegation. Do you want Congress to pass a “Pay TV Customer’s Bill of Rights,” including the following reforms:     Requiring Pay TV companies to offer a basic, low-cost package. Reducing or eliminating excessive charges, such as cable…...

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