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Big vote today: Will the FCC free you from cable-box rental fees?

Update: The Washington Post reports that the FCC was unable to come to an agreement regarding new rules that would free consumers from expensive cable box rental fees. There’s no word when the vote will be rescheduled. ++++++++++++ Today the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is set to vote on a…...

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CUB: Clean Power Plan is good for consumers

Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia will hear arguments both for and against the Clean Power Plan. The plan’s national goal is to help cut carbon pollution from the power sector by about 30 percent by 2030.  It encourages states to meet individual targets through a number…...

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Big ICC ruling for electric shoppers

The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) took a big step in improving the power market, proposing new rules to protect consumers against misleading marketing. CUB and other consumer advocates applaud the new rules. For about two years, we have been calling for tougher rules to prevent misleading and confusing marketing by…...

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Utility spending on rate-hike cases shows what CUB is up against

Since 2010, Illinois’ biggest utilities have spent $40 million trying to raise consumer rates before the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC)—an amount that could fund CUB’s entire outreach, legal and consumer advocacy operations for at least 15 years. The lofty figure illustrates what CUB’s legal and policy teams are up against…...

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Prepare your home for the cold!

It may be hard to believe that winter is coming with balmy temperatures on the first day of fall, But now is the time to prepare your home for the cold months ahead. Make sure your windows and doors are properly prepared by: Inspecting cracked or broken glass, examining door frames…...

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A gift from CUB!

As a special offer in September only, you can earn a gift with a donation of $30 or more. It’s a 3-in-1 cellphone charging cable in a sporty CUB pouch. You’ll have the power to charge your phone and charge the fight for lower utility bills! The pouch will keep all…...

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DEA uncovers scam that could net you a refund

AT&T has agreed to pay nearly $7.8 million to settle government allegations that the phone giant allowed scammers to charge some customers about $9 a month for a fake directory assistance service, uncovered in a sting from, of all places, the Drug Enforcement Agency. The settlement, announced by the Federal Communications Commission…...

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Sign our petition: Free us from cable box fees!

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) wants to break Pay TV’s hold on the traditional set-top box market. And that could be good news to customers, who pay about $20 billion each year to rent the boxes. The proposal developed by FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler could face a vote at a…...

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Are you due for an AT&T refund?

AT&T has agreed to pay nearly $7.8 million to settle government allegations that the phone giant allowed scammers to charge some customers about $9 a month for a fake directory assistance service. The settlement, announced by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in August, is the latest action against the “cramming” scam. Cramming is…...

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iPhone customer “filled with glee” after avoiding $999 fee

Thanks to CUB’s help, a Chicago woman saved almost $1,000. According to a CUB complaint, Doretha started experiencing problems with her iPhone this past June—but an AT&T agent told her she qualified for a new phone. The only reason she considered the offer, Annie said, is because AT&T said she…...

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