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Consumer advocates secure utility protections after hard winter

Throughout the pandemic, consumer advocates, state regulators and utilities have negotiated consumer protections to try to keep people connected to service. The following is a summary of the latest protections, broken down by the major utilities in the state, according to the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). After reading this, CUB…...

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Tell CUB: How do you fight climate change? (You could win a prize!)

Recent United Nations (UN) reports on climate change have painted a grim picture of the current climate crisis. The good news is that the UN is optimistic that the consequences of climate change–extreme weather, rising water levels, droughts and more–can be avoided or lessened if we take action now. In…...

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Gas prices still skyrocketing–thank goodness winter is ending

Winter is ending, and hopefully warm weather is on the way, because natural gas prices continue to be through the roof.  About 80 percent of Illinois homes heat with natural gas, and this has been their most expensive winter since the cold season of 2008-09.  Illinois’ natural gas utilities file…...

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Seven tips to prepare your home for summer

It’s that time of year again as we move out of the winter and into warmer weather, so make sure to include some home maintenance on your spring cleaning to-do list. Consider adding these actions to your checklist:  Air Conditioning. Clean or replace your air conditioning unit filters about once…...

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Working to save you money: Free CUB events in April

Happy April everyone, we’ve officially reached spring! The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer. Below you will find several events that can help you improve energy efficiency at home and protect your bottom line this month. We hope to see you there. 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.,…...

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Greenflation: Myth vs Fact

Amid headlines about record inflation, critics of clean energy policy have tried to blame it for the higher heating bills and the general surge in prices–they even use the term “greenflation.” But climate-friendly policy is not the cause of the high prices.  The world was already grappling with pandemic-related supply…...

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Urge Springfield To Fight Misleading Marketing

We’re asking you to join the fight against misleading marketing today. House Bill 4281 would prohibit a “non-utility individual, business, or entity” from using “a public utility name or logo, in whole or in part, in any manner to market, solicit, sell or bill for a home (i) insurance, (ii)…...

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CUB Q&A: Illinois American Water’s rate-hike request  

What happened?  In February, Illinois American Water filed for a $87.4 million increase in rates before the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). How much will this cost customers? The rate hike includes a $65.7 million, or 27 percent, increase in water service rates and a $21.7 million, or 59 percent, increase in…...

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UN report: Climate disasters are likely to get worse–we must act now

With increasingly cold winters and hotter summers, Illinois consumers face the prospect of higher and higher gas and electric bills. It’s likely to get worse, according to the latest climate report by the United Nations, but we still have time to act.  The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change…...

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Upcoming CUB events in March 2022

Happy March everyone, spring is just around the corner and hopefully milder weather translates to lower gas bills.  Below you will find several events that can help you improve energy efficiency at home and protect your bottom line. We hope to see you there. 4:30 – 6:30 p.m., Thursday, March…...

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