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CUB analysis: Community power deal could offer slight savings

As of July 31, 359 of 553 total active municipal aggregation deals in Illinois offer a price lower than the utility — ComEd or Ameren Illinois — according to CUB’s analysis of the Illinois Commerce Commission’s data on community power deals. Compared to last year, this is good news for…...

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Update: What’s going on with net neutrality?

President Joe Biden this summer signed an executive order restoring several internet consumer protections (a.k.a. “net neutrality” provisions) that were overturned by the Trump administration. But the order awaits a vote by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which is still missing a fifth commissioner after Ajit Pai stepped down in…...

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Landmark climate report underscores urgency for action in Springfield, Washington

Dangerous weather due to climate change is inescapable in years to come, and the world will only be able to prevent the most catastrophic effects of global warming if it immediately begins to move away from burning fossil fuels, according to an unprecedented scientific analysis that proves the importance of Springfield…...

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Bipartisan infrastructure bill would see funds for electric grid, internet, EVs

On Tuesday this week, the Senate passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, a $1.2 trillion bipartisan bill that takes aim at the nation’s failing infrastructure. The plan includes funding for roads and bridges, broadband infrastructure and access, electric vehicle charging stations and research, and aged water systems. “Today the…...

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Download a free CUB window sign and tell marketers “no thanks”

With the possible return of door-to-door marketing on the horizon, we’ve put together a free window sign for consumers to give a message to unwanted visitors.  Download our “No Solicitors” window sign, print it out at home, and place it in your window. It’s that easy!  Remember: you don’t have…...

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State: Illinois electric customers overpaid by $431 million with alternative suppliers

Illinois consumers who buy their electricity from alternative suppliers collectively paid $431 million more in the last year than they would have by sticking with their utility, according to a new report from the Illinois Commerce Commission’s Office of Retail Market Development. From May 31, 2020 through May 31, 2021,…...

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Update from Springfield: Negotiations for strong clean energy bill at an impasse

In the first week of August, there were major developments at the State Capitol in the fight for a pro-consumer clean energy bill. Fossil fuel interests have stalled a proposal favored by Gov. J.B. Pritzker and the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition, of which CUB is a member. A major sticking…...

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Chicago resident wins thermostat quiz

Congratulations to Carol of Chicago for winning CUB’s Thermostat Quiz! She was randomly selected out of hundreds of participants to win $100. “CUB is my go-to organization for information and savings on many fronts—cell phone, cutting cable, etc. I follow [their] legislative work on utilities and energy. We need [them],”…...

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Could alternative suppliers come knocking again soon?

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, state utility regulators directed all alternative electric and natural gas suppliers to suspend their door-to-door sales because of the transmission risk. But the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) could soon allow doorstep sales now that Illinois is in phase 5 of its reopening plan. …...

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A no-cost CUB service just for you: Free utility-bill analysis

Are you paying too much with an alternative supplier? Want to know about efficiency programs that can help you save money? Do you just need some reassurance that nothing’s wrong with your bill? You’re in luck; we’ve created a free CUB service to help Illinois consumers during the pandemic: remote…...

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