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CUB Q&A: Illinois and spiking natural gas prices

The extreme winter weather that hit the nation February 14-15 has led to some Illinois consumers paying high natural gas prices. In issuing a disaster proclamation for all 102 Illinois counties in the wake of the snow and subzero temperatures, Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s administration sounded the alarm a few weeks ago:…...

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Data access critical for lower utility bills, fighting climate change

When I login to my ComEd customer account, I can see how many kilowatt-hours of electricity I used yesterday. I can compare my usage yesterday to the same day last year, and I can see how my energy efficiency efforts stack up against my neighbors. This energy usage data in…...

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CUB Q&A: Why did real-time prices get so high for a few days after the winter storm?

In the wake of the snowstorm that brought subzero temperatures and up to a foot of snow to parts of Illinois, CUB received several calls from consumers complaining about high prices they were paying for a special program in which electricity rates can change by the hour. CUB is a…...

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It’s time to rethink heat in Chicago

By Chicago Alderman Brendan Reilly and David Kolata, CUB Executive Director If ever there was an absolute certainty, it’s that the controversial Peoples Gas pipeline-replacement program is setting up Chicago residents for an economic disaster, unless we act now. The company’s decades-long plan to replace gas mains throughout the city…...

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What Illinois can learn from the Texas power disaster 

Texas’ power collapse in the wake of record-setting cold left millions of people suffering without electricity. And millions more are left with big questions about how such a tragedy could happen. A disaster like this should spark thoughtful discussion in Illinois and across the country of what we can do…...

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CUB, AG challenge North Shore Gas’ $10.6 million rate hike

North Shore Gas is seeking an unjust $10.6 million rate hike fueled by an inflated profit rate for its shareholders, according to testimony CUB filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC).  The testimony is part of an overall effort by consumer advocates, including the Illinois Attorney General’s office, to wipe…...

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CUB releases tips in wake of governor’s disaster declaration

Dangerously low temperatures and up to a foot of snow prompted  Gov. J.B. Pritzker to issue a disaster proclamation for all 102 counties and warn Illinois consumers about the possibility of “soaring utility bills.” . “The sub-zero temperatures are resulting in increased demand and decreased supply, causing natural gas prices…...

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CEJA sponsors reintroduce bill, pledge to pass legislation by May

Members of the Illinois General Assembly and the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition today reintroduced a stronger Clean Energy Jobs Act, with a pledge from bill sponsors to pass the comprehensive energy legislation in the General Assembly by May 2021. “The days of ComEd, Exelon, Ameren, and big fossil fuel companies…...

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Amid pandemic and ComEd corruption scandal, community advocates launch push for Clean Energy Jobs Act

Legislative leaders along with a coalition of consumer and community advocates, including CUB, on Tuesday announced the reintroduction of the Clean Energy Jobs Act  (CEJA), aiming to pass Springfield’s most consumer-friendly energy bill by the end of May. Join the Fight for CEJA! Saying Illinois faces an economic and public…...

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Worst cold snap in two years—tips on staying safe, warm and energy-efficient in Illinois winters

In recent weeks, Illinois has been hit with snow and dangerously cold temperatures—the worse conditions since the polar vortex of January 2019.  Here are some tips to stay warm, safe and energy efficient.  Staying safe in low temperatures Check on neighbors and loved ones. If you or someone you know…...

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