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Cut your TV costs with CUB’s updated cable guide

In September, we asked and you answered: The utility bill you hate the most is cable. The average consumer pays $100-$200 a month on their cable bill, but only watches an average of 17 channels! That’s why we’ve updated CUB’s Guide to Cutting Your TV Costs with the most recent…...

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November natural gas rates trending up

November gas prices are more expensive this month than last, with the exception of Nicor Gas.  The Energy Information Administration (EIA) has anticipated an uptick. Last month, the organization predicted that natural gas bills across the Midwest could be about 8 percent higher than last winter. Over the winter season,…...

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Solarize Chicagoland to Install 80 Solar Arrays

The Solarize Chicagoland program surpassed its goals this summer, achieving commitments to install more than 580 kilowatts (kW) of solar on 80 properties in the Chicago area. The Citizens Utility Board (CUB) and Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) launched this solar group buy program in April, and the program’s participation…...

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Breaking News: Consumer Victory at the ICC!

Victory for Consumers! The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) voted 3-2 on Thursday against lifting a ban on door-to-door marketing by alternative energy suppliers during the pandemic. The ICC was considering a proposal by the commission’s staff that was supported by alternative energy suppliers. CUB argued that door-to-door marketing was needlessly…...

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Breaking Down Illinois’ Community Solar Offers

Illinois’ new community solar program allows electricity customers to enjoy the benefits of solar energy without installing panels on their own homes. Through community solar, you can purchase a portion of the electricity produced by a solar installation—called a community solar garden—and in return receive credits on your electric bill.…...

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Clean Energy Quiz winner announced

Congratulations to Chad of Bloomington for winning CUB’s Clean Energy Quiz Giveaway. He was randomly selected to win $100! Thank you to everyone who took our quiz. Here are the answers: 1. What type of energy is the cleanest energy?  A) Solar energy B) Natural gas C) Wind energy D)…...

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CUB releases new infographics, including COVID-19 alert

Below is our gallery of new infographics, including an important update on utility consumer protections during the COVID-19 crisis. CUB thanks the Heising-Simons Foundation for a generous grant that helped us create this series of infographics about important consumer issues. Important utility customer protections during the COVID-19 Crisis Are you…...

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MC Squared: CUB’s evaluation of a new community solar offer

This post is an evaluation of Chicago-based MC Squared Energy Services (MC 2) community solar offering. (If you are not already familiar with community solar, we recommend reading our Introduction to Community Solar first.) How will signing up for the MC Squared community solar offer affect my electric bill? MC…...

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Clearway: CUB’s evaluation of a new community solar offer

This is an evaluation of Clearway’s community solar offering. (If you are not already familiar with community solar, we recommend reading our Introduction to Community Solar first.) How will signing up for the Clearway community solar offer affect my electric bill? Clearway will look at your energy usage history to determine…...

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Arcadia: CUB’s evaluation of a new community solar offer

This is an evaluation of Arcadia’s community solar offering. (If you are not already familiar with community solar, we recommend reading our Introduction to Community Solar first.) How will signing up for the Arcadia community solar offer affect my electric bill? To participate in Arcadia’s offer, you must first connect your…...

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