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CUB’s online service captures “remarkable savings” for CUB member

CUB staffers have been working from home for a few months now due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but that hasn’t stopped our outreach team from connecting with consumers and helping them save money on their bills. CUB member Don will save about $50 a month after he submitted his gas…...

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Real-Time Pricing: Another way to save–just ask CUB staffers

Most people pay an electricity rate that only changes a few times a year, but real-time pricing offers a different way to pay for electricity. Instead of charging a standard price per kilowatt-hour, the utility charges program participants a supply rate that changes each hour.  ComEd offers real-time pricing through…...

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Who likes higher water bills? (Take action to oppose S 2596)

UPDATE September 2020: Thank you to the 3,000 people who emailed their representatives in Washington to oppose S 2596. It appears that the bill has stalled–for now. This is good news, but we expect this legislation will be considered again, and we’ll need to fight it. Stay tuned! Water privatization can lead…...

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Hey Illinois, beware of rip-offs

Everybody is worrying about costs these days—I know we talk to a lot of concerned consumers. That’s why CUB is issuing this warning. If you get pitched any of these offers, be careful! Maintenance plans. They peddle peace of mind (“the unexpected—protected,” says one ad). But maintenance plans offered to utility…...

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Need help affording your utilities? You may qualify for bill assistance

We talk to utility customers every day at CUB, so we know people are hurting and worried about paying their utility bills. If you cannot afford your utilities, you may be eligible for financial assistance through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program–or LIHEAP. LIHEAP helps low-income consumers pay their…...

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As solar funding dries up, Illinois renewables need CEJA

Despite rapid solar adoption after Illinois passed strong energy legislation in 2016, the state is fast-approaching a solar cliff–the funding that helps propel the state’s solar industry is running out. But the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA) could prevent the state’s clean energy progress from toppling over the edge. Specifically,…...

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‘Protection’ during the pandemic? Big water company pitches peace of mind—but you should think twice

Tucked away in a news release about a major water company’s COVID-19-related donations was a pitch for insurance plans that cover utility-related home repairs. While the company promises “the unexpected—protected,” such offers often end up costing customers more than they’re worth.  American Water is the parent company of Illinois American,…...

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Historic consumer protections: Urge the ICC to approve this COVID-19 relief plan

Illinois regulators this week will consider some of the strongest COVID-19 utility consumer protections in the country. Developed through weeks of discussion among consumer advocates and major utilities, this plan could serve as a national model to help utility customers struggling to pay their bills during the economic crisis. But…...

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Consumer advocates fight for extended COVID-19 protections for utility customers

After a historic agreement between consumer advocates and Illinois’ major utilities, state regulators are now considering the most comprehensive COVID-19 utility relief measures in the country. This plan could serve as a national model for helping utility customers struggling to pay their bills during the worst economic crisis since the…...

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