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Update: Two bills that could help stop those annoying robocalls

There’s hope in the fight to stop annoying robocalls plaguing millions of consumers like you. Two bills have been advancing in Congress and are headed for the House floor. The Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence (or TRACED) Act and Stopping Bad Robocalls Act are both advancing to the…...

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CUB Tribute: Randy Fritz, 1949-2019

By Jim Chilsen, CUB Director of Communications When I heard the sad news that former CUB Board President William R. “Randy” Fritz had passed away, I remembered my old friend’s booming laugh at the the many CUB events we had attended across Illinois.  Randy was a member of our board…...

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What’s going with clean jobs training in Illinois?

by Cate York, CUB sustainable communities liaison The Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA) of 2016 was huge. It ramped up energy efficiency programs for ComEd and Ameren customers, exploded the solar economy, and created low-income programs to extend the benefits of clean energy to all Illinoisans. But what about the…...

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Citizens Utility Board’s Mid-Year Report

By Executive Director David Kolata In 2019, the Citizens Utility Board (CUB) celebrates 35 years of fighting for Illinois consumers. We were a long shot when a handful of people led by pioneering Executive Director Sue Stewart began working for consumers in May of 1984. “Those who expect the citizens’…...

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State report shows big losses for electric shoppers: $800 million since 2015

The Illinois Commerce Commission’s Office of Retail Market Development released its annual report on Illinois electric competition. It showed that electric consumers with alternative suppliers lost $246.1 million just over the last 12 months. That makes nearly $800 million lost in the last four years! Since June 2015, total residential…...

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Tell Gov. Pritzker what Washington did

Why our fight just got more urgent: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) this summer officially rolled back power-plant regulations designed to make our electricity cleaner and more affordable. As Washington does everything it can to prop up failing, expensive and dirty coal-fired power plants, it’s vital that Illinois become a…...

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Summertime with CUB: July 2019 events

Summer is here and you may already be feeling the heat…of your utility bills. CUB’s Outreach team is on track to staff at least 500 events this year as part of our 35th Anniversary Clean Bill Campaign. At any of our utility bill clinics, tabling events and speaking presentations, CUB…...

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Summer Do’s and Don’ts from CUB

In 2019, the Citizens Utility Board (CUB) is celebrating 35 years of serving as Illinois’ premier nonprofit watchdog for utility customers. We’ve helped save Illinoisans more than $20 billion over the years.  In honor of our anniversary, here are some of CUB’s summer Dos and Don’ts. DON’T…fall for electric rip-offs. ComEd’s…...

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Breaking: Electricity rip-offs more likely this summer

96-year-old Elizabeth Davis gets ripped off every time she turns on the lights. She and other customers of alternative electric suppliers have overpaid by $600 million in recent years, according to the Illinois Attorney General’s Office. That’s why I want to share this important news: State legislators just passed some of…...

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Tell your rep: Hang up on robocallers

Good news! A bill to fight robocalls has just passed the U.S. Senate 97-1. The TRACED Act would require phone companies to adopt technology to stop “spoofed” robocalls (when scammers use your area code or prefix to try to trick you into thinking somebody local is calling). It also would…...

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