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Hot weather tips from CUB

During steamy summer days, NEVER keep your home too hot because you’re worried about the electric bill. Remember, energy efficiency has cut Illinois utility bills by $4 billion since 2008. There are ways to stay cool and safe without breaking the bank. Be safe. If you’re at home, using a…...

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Scam alert: Who’s at your door?

Warning: Both ComEd and Ameren say they’ve seen an increase in reports of scammers posing as the utility companies to try to bilk customers out of their hard-earned money. One TV station reported on these scams just this month. “Scammers are using increasingly advanced tactics and they are very convincing,”…...

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The HEAT Act: One of the nation’s toughest consumer protection laws against gas and electric rip-offs

In a victory for consumers, the Illinois General Assembly has unanimously passed and the governor has signed one of the nation’s toughest consumer-protection laws to fight rip-offs peddled by alternative electric and gas suppliers. At the end of May, the Illinois General Assembly unanimously passed the Home Energy Affordability and…...

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Breaking: Lower summer power prices

New power prices for June 1-Sept. 30 ComEd and Ameren both are charging new prices for electricity this summer. Good News: Both of these rates are lower than last summer’s prices! ComEd: 6.725 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) Ameren: 4.561 cents per kWh Bad News: Knowing they’ll have a hard time…...

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Good news on a Friday night: General Assembly passes historic consumer protections

Just wanted to share this statement from CUB Executive Director David Kolata on a major victory for consumers at the General Assembly tonight: STATEMENT FROM CUB EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DAVID KOLATA ON PASSAGE OF HEAT ACT The Citizens Utility Board (CUB) thanks the General Assembly for passing the HEAT Act, historic…...

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CUB in your neighborhood: June 2019 events

CUB is on the road year-round helping consumers save money on their utility bills. But our Outreach team is especially excited for the summer months ahead, because that means more opportunities for outdoor events! As part of CUB’s 35th Anniversary Clean Bill Campaign, we’re aiming to staff at least 500…...

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Update from the State Capitol: Fighting for cleaner energy and lower utility bills

This year alone, CUB Action Network members have sent more than 7,500 messages to Springfield in favor of good legislation and against bad bills—amazing! But we know tracking all these bills can get confusing. As we enter the last week of the General Assembly’s Spring Legislative Session, here’s a summary…...

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You vs. expensive power plants

All this year, you’ve been a big help fighting bad proposals in Springfield. And it’s paying off. The bad bills have been stalled and the energy bill that CUB supports—the Clean Energy Jobs Act—is gaining traction for the Fall Veto Session in November. But there’s one more bill we need…...

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(Good) breaking news: U.S. Senate overwhelmingly votes in favor of anti-robocalls bill

The Senate has voted 97-1 to approve the TRACED Act, a bill to combat annoying robocalls plaguing millions of consumers. Among other things, the TRACED Act would: raise fines the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) can impose on robocallers to up to $10,000 per call push phone companies to adopt technology…...

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New poll shows 7 out of 10 Illinoisans support the Clean Energy Jobs Act

A new poll shows 7 out of 10 Illinois residents are in favor of the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA). CEJA (Senate Bill 2132/House Bill 3624) would help keep a lid on Illinois consumers’ utility bills by boosting energy efficiency programs and taking advantage of the rapid growth of wind…...

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