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CUB applauds regulators for rejecting Peoples Gas “theatrics,” as ICC opposes latest bid to additional rate hike

The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) Thursday unanimously derailed a request by Peoples Gas to claw back $134 million of disallowed funding for its pipeline-replacement program in 2024. If approved, the motion would have added about $8 million to the record $300 million rate hike the utility received last month. Peoples Gas executives threatened…...

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Know your power price and beware of bad electric deals

As of this past fall, ComEd and Ameren Illinois are charging new electricity supply rates through May of 2024. Ameren Illinois: 8.107 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for up to 800 kWh of usage. Every kWh beyond that is 7.094 cents per kWh. This is about a 30 percent DECREASE from…...

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Winter forecast: Finally, some relief (we hope)

After two painful winters, federal predictions are that Midwest gas bills will be down about 14-21 percent compared with last winter. The supply side of bills has definitely been down–CUB’s review of December gas prices showed that all but one of the major Illinois utilities in the state were charging…...

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CUB’s money-saving events in December

This is a roundup of free events taking place throughout the rest of 2023. This year, CUB’s Outreach Team staffed more than 300  events across the state. As consumer advocates, we’ll never give up—and that’s why we’ll continue putting on events dedicated to saving you money and keeping you up-to-date…...

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CUB slams irresponsible Peoples Gas motion

The following is a statement from Citizens Utility Board (CUB) Executive Director Sarah Moskowitz reacting to a motion filed by Peoples Gas today seeking to get permission from the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) to claw back $134 million of disallowed funding for its pipeline-replacement program in 2024. If approved, this…...

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A look at December’s gas prices

Most gas companies are charging prices in December that are an average of 36 percent lower than last winter. The lone exception is North Shore Gas, which is actually charging 3 percent more than last year, giving another glimpse of the roller-coaster volatility of the gas market. Gas utilities file…...

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CUB explainer: Who pays for transmission lines? Take a look at your power bill

By: Clara Summers Campaign Manager Consumers for a Better Grid (a project of CUB) The long transmission lines that crisscross the country are key to keeping our lights on and getting cleaner, more affordable energy to the people who need it most. But like most things in life, they don’t…...

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The Executive Director’s 2023 End-of-Year Report

By Sarah Moskowitz, Executive Director, CUB SPECIAL NOTE: Support CUB with a year-end, tax-deductible donation to help work for clean energy, consumer protections and lower utility bills in Illinois in 2024, CUB’s 40th anniversary. I became executive director in June, during one of the most challenging years ever for Illinois…...

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ICC reins in gas utilities, cuts rate hikes by hundreds of millions of dollars

BREAKING: The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) today issued final orders on proposed gas rate hikes by Nicor Gas, Peoples Gas, Ameren Illinois and North Shore Gas. Let me be clear: The utilities did receive rate hikes. While we don’t like to see bills go up a penny at the hands…...

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After a successful summer program, CUB partnership launches Fall Solar Switch program

A unique partnership among five Chicagoland counties, nonprofit advocates and expert solar professionals will educate consumers on how they can install solar panels at some of the deepest discounts in the state, the Citizens Utility Board (CUB), Illinois’ top utility watchdog, said as the program launched its Fall program. The…...

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