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UPDATE: BAD water bill HB 4508 moves to Senate

House Bill 4508 has passed the Illinois House of Representatives and moves to the state Senate. We need your help to defeat this legislation, which allows big water companies to expand while customers foot the bill. CUB opposes this bill: When the nation’s biggest private water companies get their hands…...

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Fighting the Goldilocks effect, and reducing energy costs

By Annabelle Rosser, CUB Environmental Outreach Coordinator Earlier this year, CUB outreach team members Yami, Aimee and myself, along with folks from the Sierra Club, EDF and the community organization One Northside, were given a tour of the Lake Village East Apartments, a 218-unit affordable housing community in the Kenwood neighborhood of…...

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10 ways to get your home ready for summer

After the recent blast of wintry weather, it’s hard to believe summer is on the way, but it will be here before you know it. Now’s the time to get ready. 1) Schedule HVAC maintenance. Before the hot weather hits, schedule an appointment with an expert to check your equipment’s performance. An HVAC…...

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Fight HB 4508 (BAD water bill)

We need your help to defeat House Bill 4508—legislation in Springfield that could raise water rates for a lot of Illinois consumers. Back in 2013, the General Assembly passed legislation that allowed the state’s biggest private water companies (Illinois American Water and Aqua Illinois) to automatically raise their existing customers’…...

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CUB, AARP Illinois call for sweeping reforms of electric and gas markets in Illinois

This week, CUB held news conferences across the state (Chicago, Rockford, Peoria, Alton and Champaign) calling on the General Assembly to pass sweeping reforms to protect customers from a wave of electric and gas rip-offs that we have seen in the market over the last few years. These are some…...

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Shopping for electricity/gas? Become a detail person

We have a database full of people who signed up for what they thought was a good deal from an alternative electric or gas supplier–before they got slammed with an extremely high rate. If you want to shop in the electric or gas markets in Illinois, or if you’re approached…...

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The 5 questions you should ask every time you open your electric or gas bill

CUB staffs more than 400 events a year, which means on average not a day goes by where CUB isn’t somewhere showing someone how to save money. Our utility-bill clinics are great events, but we want to empower consumers to do their own bill analysis. Read our how-to article, “5…...

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Support HB 4819: The fight for net neutrality moves to Illinois

We’ve all read the grim headlines: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has ordered “net neutrality” rules to end on April 23. That’s bad news because those consumer protections help keep the Internet affordable and uncensored. But the good news is we have a chance to save net neutrality in Illinois—if…...

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Report from Springfield, by Bryan McDaniel, CUB director of governmental affairs

This is one of my busiest times of the year in Springfield. But I wanted to send you a quick note about one piece of pro-consumer legislation we support in the General Assembly’s spring session. Legislation: House Bill 5101, sponsored by Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr., of Chicago PROBLEM: *A state…...

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Stop spending abuses by Peoples Gas: Fight for HB 4898

CUB, AARP Illinois and Illinois PIRG this week held a news conference about the mismanagement and spiraling costs associated with a Peoples Gas plan to replace aging pipes underneath the city. How bad is it? An analysis by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan found that if the program isn’t changed…...

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