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Part of a community group? CUB would love to speak to you!

If you’re a part of a community group whose members would benefit from learning about how to cut their utility bills, consider asking CUB to speak at an event. At a speaking engagement, a CUB expert can cover a variety of issues, including: *How to spot unnecessary charges on natural gas,…...

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BREAKING: Donations matched today!

BREAKING: Members of our board and other good friends have stepped to the plate and are matching donations today. A donation of $10 or more—whatever you can afford—will go into our legal defense fund to fight these battles: Challenging Nicor Gas’ $208.5 million rate-hike request. Fighting ComEd’s $96 million rate hike. (We’ve already…...

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CUB Executive Director’s mid-year report

CUB’s legal team gets the headlines with the big victories, but our consumer advocacy and outreach teams offer vital help to individual consumers on a daily basis. The Chicago Tribune’s Help Squad profiled a recent CUB utility-bill clinic. We hold hundreds of events like this each year! Here’s what you and CUB…...

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We have a winner in our rate-hike battle survey giveaway!

Congratulations to Karen of Chicago, who won $100 off her utility bills after answering our recent survey asking people to choose the biggest rate-hike battle facing Illinois. (Nicor Gas’ $208.5 million rate hike was chosen.) Here’s how Karen responded to the news: “It feels great to win the giveaway… I am…...

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Join CUB’s Community Action Campaign

This June we’re challenging EVERYONE in Chicago to join CUB’s Community Action Campaign. In the battles below, Julie, CUB’s general counsel, is up against the best lawyers the utilities can buy. She can’t beat them alone, which is why you and your neighbors must join the fight. Remember they only win when…...

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Join the fight for stronger electric consumer protections in Illinois

We’ve got breaking news: Unregulated electricity suppliers may launch a summer lobbying campaign to weaken new consumer protections soon to be considered by state lawmakers. We need you to take action. Just days ago, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) took the positive step of approving new rules designed to help…...

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ICC approves new rules to protect electric shoppers

CUB commended the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC), led by Chairman Brien Sheahan, for advancing new rules designed to help electric customers avoid bad deals from alternative electric suppliers. “We believe a healthy competitive electric market always makes consumer protections a priority,” CUB Executive Director David Kolata said in a statement. “These…...

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CUB Survey: What utility battle is most important to you?

Today, CUB kicks off its month-long Chicago Action Campaign to raise awareness that the utilities are trying to increase your rates by up to $10 billion. We always like to hear from you, so we’re starting the campaign by asking: What utility battle is most important to you? Of course, we’re…...

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We have a winner from our cellphone survey!

Congratulations to Jane from Northbrook, who was selected to get $50 off her cellphone bill after taking our cellphone survey about what parts of cellphone service were most frustrating. Her response when told she had been selected? “My husband and I are members of CUB! We have been so happy…...

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CUB urges governor to veto AT&T dereg bill

AT&T has passed its deregulation bill in the Illinois General Assembly, threatening the end of landline service for customers who need it for a reliable connection to 911 and other vital services. Now, CUB is turning its attention to Gov. Bruce Rauner and asking him to veto the legislation. CUB…...

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