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How high are electric bills? Way too high!

Last week, we sent consumers the new electric rates for 2018 (for ComEd and Ameren) and asked them a simple question: Tell us what you think of your electricity bills–are they too high? Here are some of the answers: “Way too high.” -Lewis J. “Seems ComEd gets a charge raising the…...

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New 2018 electric rates

It’s a new year and ComEd and Ameren have new electric rates. Part of our mission is to keep people informed about their utility bills, so we want to make sure you know what you’re paying....

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How do I know if I’m with an alternative supplier?

If your electric or natural gas bill skyrockets unexpectedly, you may have inadvertently signed up with an alternative supplier. You should know where to look on your bill to determine if you’re with an alternative supplier. For more information, get CUB’s “Guide to Avoiding Electric Rip-offs” and “Guide to Avoiding…...

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Speak up: Fight Ameren’s attack on energy efficiency

This week, CUB sent out a special e-newsletter to alert you to a new threat to energy efficiency that has the potential to raise Illinois power bills. What happened? Just months ago Illinois passed the Future Energy Jobs Act that requires the state’s biggest utilities to reduce electricity waste more…...

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Join CUB’s Community Action Campaign

This June we’re challenging EVERYONE in Chicago to join CUB’s Community Action Campaign. In the battles below, Julie, CUB’s general counsel, is up against the best lawyers the utilities can buy. She can’t beat them alone, which is why you and your neighbors must join the fight. Remember they only win when…...

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So what the heck is a green plan?

At CUB we get a lot of calls from consumers who have questions about renewable energy plans that get pitched to them by alternative suppliers. These “green plans” are a legitimate choice, but some people have complained about exorbitant rates. If you’re shopping in the market, you should have all…...

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The day in the life of a CUB outreach staffer…

By Annabelle Roser As solar energy becomes more accessible to everyday consumers, the financial incentives of owning solar panels can be hard to pass up. The benefits of subsidizing or eliminating your energy bills through net-metering can be especially enticing to retirees or those on fixed incomes. Recently, I met…...

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Big victories so far in 2017

The year is young, but thanks to the support of Illinois residents, CUB’s legal team has notched some nice consumer victories in the first few months of 2017. ComEd rate cut!  In March, CUB helped secure a $17 million rate cut for ComEd customers, after a portion of a rate…...

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Beware! New year, new electric rates

As of Jan. 1, the electric rates for both Ameren and ComEd customers have changed. For Ameren electric customers, rates have dropped about $14.5 million. However, CUB believes customers deserve an even bigger cut: a total of $22 million. That’s why the watchdog filed a petition of rehearing with the…...

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Statement by CUB Executive Director David Kolata on passage of SB 2814

The Citizens Utility Board (CUB) is pleased that the Illinois General Assembly has passed Senate Bill 2814, the Future Energy Jobs Bill, and that Gov. Bruce Rauner has now signed the legislation. This is a good day for Illinois electric customers because with this legislation the state’s biggest energy companies…...

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