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clean energy

Getting your home ready for fall and winter

You might want to ignore the fact that winter is fast approaching, but now is the perfect time to to start preparing your home for the cold months ahead. Here’s a checklist of “to-dos” so your home is ready for the chilliest time of year. Furnace inspection. Have a certified…...

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My Electric Vehicle Acid Test

for Medium.com by David Kolata, CUB’s Executive Director I could say I’m pumped — but that’s not quite right, given that I’ve bypassed the gas station. Maybe ‘juiced’ is a better way to describe how I feel about my first electric vehicle (“EV”), a 2018 Chevy Bolt. The new 2018 Chevy Bolt and…...

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Tell the White House: Don’t be weak on efficiency

Last week, Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), announced that he was repealing the Clean Power Plan — regulations designed to reduce pollution from power plants. Here’s one particular reason why that’s bad news: The plan would have given energy efficiency a significant boost, and that…...

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Repeal of Clean Power Plan a blow to energy efficiency

When Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), began the process of repealing the Clean Power Plan, environmentalists from across the country decried the move. But there’s another reason to oppose the administration’s short-sighted actions to kill the plan: It offered the best opportunity to maximize investment…...

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BREAKING: Trade officials open door for tariff that could be devastating to solar industry

In a 4-0 vote, the U.S. International Trade Commission today opened the door for the White House to impose tariffs that could more than double the cost of the imported solar panels so important to the health of our nation’s solar power industry. The Los Angeles Times reported that the…...

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