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Ameren customers, this could cost you $300 million!

Illinois coal plant owner Dynegy wants Ameren to join an East Coast power grid that could increase YOUR electricity rates—by $300 million. We blogged about this worrisome proposal last week, and now we want to hear what you have to say. In case you missed it, here’s some background on the situation: Dynegy…...

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Updates to Chicago Power Calculator

CUB is hosting a news conference today to announce updates to the Chicago Power Deal Calculator in time for changing October electric rates. CUB launched the calculator this summer to help Chicago residents decide if they are better off staying with the City’s municipal aggregation deal with Integrys Energy Services or switching to…...

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Uh oh! 4 red flags in the electric market

Ballooning rates.  Misleading marketing.  Changing rates.  Aggregation deals gone awry.  Some pretty crazy stories have emerged in the Illinois electric market this year. CUB has been keeping an eye on developments to help consumers protect themselves in these treacherous times.  While many alternative electric suppliers are acting appropriately in the market,…...

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Update to Chicago Power Deal Calculator

CUB introduced the Chicago Power Deal Calculator in June to help you decide if the City’s deal with Integrys Energy Services was the right choice for you over the summer. Integrys recently announced rates for October 2014 through May 2015, and CUB has updated its calculator to help you determine whether…...

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5 things to turn off before you leave the room

by Esther Leonard Most people know to turn off their electronics or the AC before leaving the house. However, few people realize that they can save money while in the house by simply turning off electronics in unoccupied rooms. Before you leave the room, consider turning off these five energy…...

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CUB helps consumer clean up $1,583 from credit report

When Joseph Guice received a call from a collections agency for an outstanding ComEd bill of $1,583, he knew something was wrong. “I was shocked to see the bill,” Guice said. “Nobody told me that I owed anything.” Before the 87-year-old retired barber moved to a senior home on Chicago’s South…...

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Chicago Power Deal Calculator Video

Not sure which energy supplier will save you money this summer?  Watch our video to find out about a free tool– the Chicago Power Deal Calculator– that will help you decide if the City’s deal with Integrys is right for you: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEkpnQ2HGj8?list=UUnBH1A1X_csFhP4sN0hZVlQ&w=560&h=315]  ...

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Now we’ve seen everything…

At CUB, we’re a pretty thrifty bunch– after all, we spend our days helping consumers shave money off their bills–but even we think this might be going a little far: Eligo Energy, an alternative electric supplier serving the Chicagoland area, is offering a Groupon for a $50 discount on electricity. We’ve heard of alternative electric suppliers mailing, phoning…...

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Watch out for this energy hog

You may be surprised to learn that the biggest electricity guzzler in your house isn’t your TV or refrigerator.  That special honor goes to… your clothes dryer. Dryers use between 1,800 to 5,000 watts per cycle, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.  Compare that to washers, which only use…...

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Top 3 tips to save money this summer!

Summer electric rates are going up, up, up, but never fear: CUB has you covered with the top 3 money-saving tips to reduce your electric bill over those sweltering summer months. 1.)    Keep it cool…without cranking the AC! Without a doubt, the biggest contributor to high power bills in the…...

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