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energy efficiency

The UN’s Bold Climate Change Solution

A United Nations panel has released its third and final report on climate change, and following the dire warnings in the first two installments, this one strikes a hopeful tone with scientists’ plans for the world’s path forward. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the last…...

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For Earth Month (and every month): Fight Climate Change at Home

You can reduce your carbon footprint with a few simple tips to help you save money, save the planet, and save your peace of mind. Utility-Based Programs  Check with your utility about any energy efficiency programs available to residents.  Free at-home energy assessments are offered by ComEd and Ameren. They…...

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First person: Home energy assessment simple, easy, helpful for CUB lawyer

By Eric DeBellis CUB Regulatory Counsel As a lawyer at CUB and a new homeowner, I figured I ought to practice what I preach, so I signed up for a home energy audit through my utility this winter. My experience was simple, easy, and helpful. An energy efficiency technician from…...

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General Assembly passes historic energy bill: Now begins the hard work of implementation

The General Assembly has passed landmark energy legislation that consumer and environmental advocates have worked for years to achieve. The Climate and Equitable Jobs Act puts Illinois on a path to 100 percent clean energy while implementing the strongest utility ethics reforms and energy efficiency provisions in state history. And…...

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BREAKING: Illinois House passes nation-leading clean energy legislation

The Illinois House late Thursday passed the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (Senate Bill 2408)–historic, comprehensive clean energy legislation. The legislation now heads to the Senate on Monday for a final vote. (Urge your senator to say YES to this legislation.) SB 2408 passed 83-33 in the House. The Illinois…...

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Big step forward: Illinois Senate passes energy bill, now it’s on to the House

After more than two years pushing for comprehensive energy legislation that fights climate change and secures clean, affordable energy for Illinois, we’ve taken a key step forward this month. In the wee hours of the morning Wednesday, Sept. 1, the Illinois Senate passed legislation and sent it to the House.…...

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CUB Q&A: What’s a heat pump, and how is it a key to our clean energy future?

With the ever-changing landscape of utilities and energy in Illinois, one topic that has recently gained traction is the use of heat pump systems. In addition to their potential to save consumers money, heat pumps are frequently cited as a way to promote more equitable changes in energy policy, and decarbonize buildings around the state. But…...

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So what are my choices in the electric market?

  At CUB, we think it’s good to have choices in the electricity market, but it has to be informed choice. Educate yourself to navigate your choices in Illinois’ power market, and cut your electric bill. What are my options? If you are a ComEd or Ameren Illinois customer, here are…...

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Take CUB’s Thermostat Quiz–you could win $100!

Do you bicker with your family over the thermostat setting? You’re not alone! Test your knowledge by taking our thermostat quiz. We’ll randomly select one quiz-taker to win $100 off their summer energy bills. The deadline to enter is midnight, July 31. Take the quiz now! Energy efficiency isn’t about…...

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Summer tips on staying cool and safe, without breaking the bank

Summer weather is upon us. Heating and cooling costs account for 50 percent of a home’s energy bills, according to the Department of Energy.  Stay safe, cool and energy efficient. Be safe. Raising your thermostat by a few degrees and using a ceiling fan can lower air conditioning costs over…...

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