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CUB Statement on $199 Million ComEd Rate-Hike Request

This is the statement CUB released on Friday, April 15: This is bad news for Illinois consumers who are coming off the most expensive winter heating season in more than decade, and it’s why we’re working to build a more consumer-friendly rate-setting system in Illinois. CUB will review ComEd’s rate-hike…...

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Gas prices still skyrocketing–thank goodness winter is ending

Winter is ending, and hopefully warm weather is on the way, because natural gas prices continue to be through the roof.  About 80 percent of Illinois homes heat with natural gas, and this has been their most expensive winter since the cold season of 2008-09.  Illinois’ natural gas utilities file…...

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UN report: Climate disasters are likely to get worse–we must act now

With increasingly cold winters and hotter summers, Illinois consumers face the prospect of higher and higher gas and electric bills. It’s likely to get worse, according to the latest climate report by the United Nations, but we still have time to act.  The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change…...

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New electric rates for ComEd and Ameren customers in 2022

As of Jan. 1, ComEd and Ameren are charging new electricity rates. CUB breaks it all down.   DELIVERY RATES What are delivery rates?  Electric bills have two parts: delivery and supply. All of us pay delivery rates to cover the utilities’ costs of sending electricity over their wires to our…...

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Top consumer battles of 2022

2021 was a year of rate hike battles and the fight to pass the Climate & Equitable Jobs Act. In the new year, we plan to staff hundreds of free events, and handle more than one thousand inquiries from Illinois consumers with complaints or questions about their utility service–and we…...

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Tips in the aftermath of a storm

We are seeing more and more examples of violent, dangerous and disruptive weather. Some utility-related tips and resources in the aftermath of a storm: What safety precautions should I take after a storm?  Never approach a downed power line, always assume it’s energized and extremely dangerous. Call your utility immediately…...

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CUB Statement on ComEd rate hike–‘Illinois consumers deserve better’

A statement from CUB Executive Director David Kolata on ComEd’s rate hike, from Dec. 2, 2021: ComEd’s $45.8 million increase in the middle of an already painfully expensive winter is awful timing by the company and another reminder of why it is so important to replace the unfair formula rate…...

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General Assembly passes historic energy bill: Now begins the hard work of implementation

The General Assembly has passed landmark energy legislation that consumer and environmental advocates have worked for years to achieve. The Climate and Equitable Jobs Act puts Illinois on a path to 100 percent clean energy while implementing the strongest utility ethics reforms and energy efficiency provisions in state history. And…...

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Big step forward: Illinois Senate passes energy bill, now it’s on to the House

After more than two years pushing for comprehensive energy legislation that fights climate change and secures clean, affordable energy for Illinois, we’ve taken a key step forward this month. In the wee hours of the morning Wednesday, Sept. 1, the Illinois Senate passed legislation and sent it to the House.…...

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Landmark climate report underscores urgency for action in Springfield, Washington

Dangerous weather due to climate change is inescapable in years to come, and the world will only be able to prevent the most catastrophic effects of global warming if it immediately begins to move away from burning fossil fuels, according to an unprecedented scientific analysis that proves the importance of Springfield…...

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