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July gas prices continue to hover around $1/therm for many utilities- Make your winter efficiency upgrades now

Natural gas customers in Illinois are paying the highest supply prices in more than a decade, with many utilities charging nearly $1 a therm or more in July, according to gas price data filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). It looks like the high gas prices will extend into the…...

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June gas prices jump past $1/therm for several utilities. Here’s what you need to know

Natural gas customers in Illinois are paying the highest supply prices in more than a decade, with many utilities charging nearly $1 a therm or more in June, according to gas price data filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC).  For more than a year, Illinois and the rest of…...

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In May, natural gas prices reach their highest point in more than a decade

Many natural gas customers in Illinois are paying the highest prices in more than a decade, with most utilities charging nearly $1 a therm or more in May, according to gas price data filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC).  This latest development shows that even though winter is over,…...

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Gas prices still skyrocketing–thank goodness winter is ending

Winter is ending, and hopefully warm weather is on the way, because natural gas prices continue to be through the roof.  About 80 percent of Illinois homes heat with natural gas, and this has been their most expensive winter since the cold season of 2008-09.  Illinois’ natural gas utilities file…...

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Struggling with your bills? Take these three actions

If you’re struggling to pay your utility bills during this expensive winter, you’re not alone. CUB has some guidance on what steps to take. 1) Call Your Utility. As the utility company is the entity issuing the bill and the only entity with access to your account, your first call—no…...

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CUB’s Capitol Report: 2022 to-do list includes fighting for gas, water, broadband customers

And they’re off! The General Assembly is at the beginning of the spring session. Bills are being introduced, read, and debated.  Here’s a summary of what we’re working on this year. Fighting to protect gas customers. It is clear to see when you open your gas bill that something is…...

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Top consumer battles of 2022

2021 was a year of rate hike battles and the fight to pass the Climate & Equitable Jobs Act. In the new year, we plan to staff hundreds of free events, and handle more than one thousand inquiries from Illinois consumers with complaints or questions about their utility service–and we…...

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CUB Executive Director David Kolata’s statement on Nicor rate hike

The following is a statement from Citizens Utility Board (CUB) Executive Director David Kolata on Nicor Gas’ $240 million rate hike.  It’s unacceptable that Nicor Gas pushed for higher rates—its third record request in four years—while people are struggling under a pandemic and the highest winter heating prices in more…...

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2021 Year in Review: Fighting for historic legislation, beating back millions in higher rates

Amid an ongoing pandemic and skyrocketing energy prices, CUB in 2021 sued a scandal-plagued utility, beat back millions of dollars in rate hikes and helped pass historic energy legislation. “I am proud of how our staff battled through yet another difficult year, but consumers deserve the credit,” CUB Executive David…...

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Updates on CUB’s fight to rein in alternative suppliers behaving badly

When CUB helped pass historic consumer protections against alternative supplier rip-offs, the watchdog made it clear that the hard work was just beginning. “We look forward to working with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) and Attorney General (Kwame) Raoul to help enforce these new rules and build a better market…...

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