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New power prices for Oct. 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020

Did you know that ComEd and Ameren are charging new prices for electricity? It’s important to know what these prices are in order to make an apples-to-apples comparison with alternative electric supplier offers (called the “price to compare”). WARNING: These prices are likely your best bet—since 2015, Illinois consumers with…...

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CUB in your neighborhood: August 2019 events

There’s just a few weeks of summer left, but you can catch CUB’s Outreach team on the road all year long. As part of CUB’s 35th Anniversary, we’re aiming to staff at least 500 events in 2019. This “Clean Bill Campaign” focuses on cleaning consumers’ bills of errors and areas…...

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We like headlines like this: “Regulators order Peoples Gas to repay $7.2 million to customers”

The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) has announced that Peoples Gas has agreed to give about $7.2 million back to its customers in connection with a review of the 2015 costs of the utility’s troubled pipeline-replacement program. This is the result of a settlement involving the utility and the staff of…...

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The HEAT Act: One of the nation’s toughest consumer protection laws against gas and electric rip-offs

In a victory for consumers, the Illinois General Assembly has unanimously passed and the governor has signed one of the nation’s toughest consumer-protection laws to fight rip-offs peddled by alternative electric and gas suppliers. At the end of May, the Illinois General Assembly unanimously passed the Home Energy Affordability and…...

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Good news on a Friday night: General Assembly passes historic consumer protections

Just wanted to share this statement from CUB Executive Director David Kolata on a major victory for consumers at the General Assembly tonight: STATEMENT FROM CUB EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DAVID KOLATA ON PASSAGE OF HEAT ACT The Citizens Utility Board (CUB) thanks the General Assembly for passing the HEAT Act, historic…...

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CUB reacts to $230 million Nicor rate-hike request

This is a statement by CUB on Nicor’s rate-hike request: In the same year Nicor Gas won a $93.5 million rate hike, it’s now asking for a brand new $230 million increase. This is the largest natural gas rate-hike request CUB has seen in 35 years of fighting for Illinois…...

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Urgent: Fight electric/gas rip-offs in Springfield

Due to events in Springfield, we are making an urgent request to help us fight electric and gas rip-offs. Please send a message to the Illinois House in support of House Amendment 4 to Senate Bill 1531. The amendment would, among other things: Require the utility’s supply price to be…...

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Report from Springfield, by Bryan McDaniel, CUB director of governmental affairs

This is one of my busiest times of the year in Springfield. But I wanted to send you a quick note about one piece of pro-consumer legislation we support in the General Assembly’s spring session. Legislation: House Bill 5101, sponsored by Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr., of Chicago PROBLEM: *A state…...

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Stop spending abuses by Peoples Gas: Fight for HB 4898

CUB, AARP Illinois and Illinois PIRG this week held a news conference about the mismanagement and spiraling costs associated with a Peoples Gas plan to replace aging pipes underneath the city. How bad is it? An analysis by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan found that if the program isn’t changed…...

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News Release: Proposed State Law Aims to Quash Spending Abuses by Peoples Gas in Bloated Pipe Replacement Program

A new bill pending in the Illinois General Assembly would eliminate the mechanism Peoples Gas has used to bankroll a pipe-replacement program widely decried for its rampantly escalating cost estimates and chronic waste and mismanagement. The proposed measure, championed by AARP Illinois, the Citizens Utility Board (CUB), and Illinois PIRG,…...

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