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Illinois Commerce Commission

Update on cases involving ComEd, Ameren Illinois power bills

We wanted to give you an update on some battles before the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). ComEd: As you recall, last year the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) rejected the utility’s grid plan and slashed its $1.47 billion rate-hike request by about 65 percent (ICC Docket # 23-0055). The company challenged…...

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Statement: CUB applauds ICC for holding the line on Peoples Gas, as regulators thwart utility’s renewed bid for inflated spending on pipe-replacement

CHICAGO—Last November, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) reduced Peoples Gas’ proposed rate hike by about $100 million and ordered the utility  to pause its controversial and financially bloated pipe-replacement program – known as  the System Modernization Program (SMP) – pending further review to determine whether it could substantiate the need…...

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Casework Roundup: A report from CUB’s General Counsel

By Eric DeBellis CUB General Counsel As usual, we’re busy juggling a heavy caseload before the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) concerning the state’s biggest utilities: ComEd, Ameren, Peoples Gas, Illinois American and Aqua Illinois. Here’s a summary of where we’re at:  Electric Cases Background: Back in December, the ICC slashed…...

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CUB Q&A on the Realgy Settlement

Former customers of alternative electric and gas supplier Realgy, LLC, have called CUB with questions about a check they were mailed. An accompanying message explains that the check is related to a settlement the staff of the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) and CUB reached with the supplier. The check is…...

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Casework roundup: In 40th year, CUB fights old and new rate hikes

CUB’s 40th anniversary is turning out to be another tough year, as we fight old and new rate hikes.  Major electric and gas utilities were not pleased with Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) rulings issued late last year–and all of them launched legal challenges to the decisions. Plus we’ve got breaking…...

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Q&A on ICC electric rulings and how they impact customers

The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) on Dec. 14 issued a series of orders that significantly reduced the record rate hikes Commonwealth Edison and Ameren Illinois wanted while also rejecting their plans to upgrade the power grid, ruling that they violated several provisions of the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA). …...

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CUB applauds ICC for standing up for ComEd, Ameren customers, holding utilities accountable in unprecedented regulatory rulings

The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) on Thursday ruled on record ComEd and Ameren Illinois electric rate-hike requests. In the rulings, the ICC rejected the multi-year grid plans proposed by Ameren and ComEd for lacking any proof of their affordability, slashed the excessive shareholder profit rates pushed by the companies and…...

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CUB applauds regulators for rejecting Peoples Gas “theatrics,” as ICC opposes latest bid to additional rate hike

The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) Thursday unanimously derailed a request by Peoples Gas to claw back $134 million of disallowed funding for its pipeline-replacement program in 2024. If approved, the motion would have added about $8 million to the record $300 million rate hike the utility received last month. Peoples Gas executives threatened…...

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CUB calls on ICC to reject record rate hike for Peoples Gas after agency official recommends big increase for utility

An administrative law judge for the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) has issued a “proposed order” recommending that the ICC approve a record-high $350 million rate hike for Peoples Gas, awarding the company the vast bulk — 87 percent —of the $402 million increase it has sought from regulators.  The recommended…...

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CUB is fighting big rate hikes–so how do these rate cases work? A CUB explainer

CUB’s legal department is fighting a record six utility rate cases before state regulators totaling a whopping $2.9 billion in higher rates for consumers. But what exactly is a rate case and how does it work? Here’s a CUB explainer to help you understand.  Step #1 Utilities file for a…...

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