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Illinois Commerce Commission

CUB statement on Ameren’s $57.6 million electric rate hike

Ameren’s Illinois’ $57.6 million formula rate hike just adds to consumers’ pain in an already difficult year. In addition to this electric delivery rate hike, in 2021 consumers have endured significant increases in gas and electricity supply rates as well as a $76 million gas delivery rate hike. Ameren customers…...

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CUB’s legal team takes on alternative suppliers in 2021

UPDATE: The Second District Appellate Court of Illinois upheld the Illinois Commerce Commission’s $1 million fine against LifeEnergy, another legal victory for consumers. In 2020, CUB secured a $1 million fine against the supplier, but it appealed to the higher court. Alternative electric supplier National Gas & Electric, LLC will…...

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State: Illinois electric customers overpaid by $431 million with alternative suppliers

Illinois consumers who buy their electricity from alternative suppliers collectively paid $431 million more in the last year than they would have by sticking with their utility, according to a new report from the Illinois Commerce Commission’s Office of Retail Market Development. From May 31, 2020 through May 31, 2021,…...

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CUB challenges ICC’s approval of Nicor’s “trash gas” program

The Citizens Utility Board (CUB) is pushing back on a $16 million Nicor Gas pilot program that would charge consumers to connect its system to so-called “renewable natural gas” sources, such as landfills. The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) recently approved Nicor Gas’ proposal, but the consumer watchdog is challenging the…...

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Q&A on the ComEd and Ameren Formula Rates for 2021 

What happened?  On Wednesday, Dec. 9, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) approved delivery rate cuts for Ameren Illinois and ComEd customers. The ICC voted to give ComEd a delivery rate decrease of about $14 million.  The state regulatory body OK’d a decrease of about $48.7 million for Ameren. The lower…...

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Consumer Alert: Could alt suppliers be knocking on your door again? 

Breaking News Update, Nov. 5:  Victory for Consumers! The Illinois Commerce Commission voted 3-2 today to keep the moratorium in place. Thank you to all the Illinoisans who used CUB’s Action Network to help send 1,000 messages to state regulators in favor of keeping the ban in place. Your activism makes…...

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Historic consumer protections: Urge the ICC to approve this COVID-19 relief plan

Illinois regulators this week will consider some of the strongest COVID-19 utility consumer protections in the country. Developed through weeks of discussion among consumer advocates and major utilities, this plan could serve as a national model to help utility customers struggling to pay their bills during the economic crisis. But…...

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CUB’s legal team tackles Coronavirus consumer protections, rate cases, alternative suppliers

In spite of the novel Coronavirus putting our lives on hold, CUB’s legal team is continuing the fight for utility customer rights and lower rates. General Counsel Julie Soderna and new Senior Attorney Eric DeBellis are currently working on about 15 cases. Here are a few highlights. Coronavirus Response In…...

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Statement by CUB Executive Director David Kolata on ICC Consumer Protection Measures Amid COVID-19 Crisis

We thank state regulators for their pro-consumer actions today. These are uncertain times, and the last thing consumers need is to have their utility service interrupted, or to have their health threatened by alternative supplier sales representatives knocking on their doors. As this public health crisis unfolds, we need to…...

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Update on Ameren, ComEd delivery rates in 2020

When you’re taking on big utilities, the victories never come easy, but CUB’s legal team has some good news for ComEd and Ameren customers: Your delivery rates will be reduced in 2020. This is a nice development, but it’s been overshadowed by an upcoming ruling by the Federal Energy Regulatory…...

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