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Illinois Commerce Commission

Why is Peoples Gas giving $7 million back to customers?

What happened? The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) announced in July that Peoples Gas has agreed to give about $7.2 million back to its customers.   Why is Peoples Gas giving money back to consumers? It’s connected to a review of 2015 costs of the utility’s troubled pipeline-replacement program, called the System…...

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In 35 years of consumer advocacy, this is one of the highest gas rates CUB has ever seen

Dale Fiene has his gas bill set to autopay, so he doesn’t usually look at it too closely—until January, that is, when his gas bill soared to more than $440. By the time he got his most recent bill this March, he saw that his gas supplier was listed as…...

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ICC investigates four alternative suppliers

The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) has brought four cases against alternative electric suppliers for allegedly violating marketing-related rules. CUB has gotten involved in the cases to make sure consumers’ voices are heard. Buried in the legal language are stories from consumers alleging outrageous behavior from some alternative suppliers. Here’s a…...

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A Chicago heating-affordability crisis?

Mismanaged pipeline program Last winter, Peoples customers paid about 80 percent more for service than Nicor Gas customers—and a big reason is the pipe program, which aims to replace 2,000 miles of aging gas mains. A state-ordered 2015 audit uncovered rampant mismanagement. Since then, the projected price tag for the program has quadrupled to up to $11…...

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Rate hike warning for Nicor customers

Nicor’s record-breaking $230M hike In November, just months after receiving a $93.5 million delivery increase, Nicor Gas was back at the ICC, asking for a $230 million rate hike. “This is the largest natural gas rate-hike request CUB has seen in 35 years of fighting for Illinois consumers, and it’s fueled by a massive profit rate…...

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ICC report shows record losses with alternative electric suppliers

CUB warns consumers that enrolling with an alternative supplier could lead to paying higher electric and gas bills. In fact, losses at the hands of electric suppliers reached a record high of $227.6 million over the past year, according to the 2018 annual report of the Illinois Commerce Commission’s Office…...

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BREAKING: We have a match!

This week a group of generous CUB supporters is matching donations up to a total of $1,500.  That’s great news, because we need all the help we can get when it comes to battling these giants. A $25 donation is like giving $50 – but for this week only!...

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Step forward in Illinois: ICC OKs new protections against electric rip-offs

After three years of hard work by consumer advocates and regulators, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) today voted to finalize new consumer protections against electric rip-offs. The key rules require alternative electric suppliers to: -Obtain a third-party verification of a door-to-door sale or a “Letter of Agency” (documentation in which…...

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ICC approves new rules to protect electric shoppers

CUB commended the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC), led by Chairman Brien Sheahan, for advancing new rules designed to help electric customers avoid bad deals from alternative electric suppliers. “We believe a healthy competitive electric market always makes consumer protections a priority,” CUB Executive Director David Kolata said in a statement. “These…...

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Tell ICC: Lower Ameren’s customer charge

We’ve sent out an action alert to Ameren Illinois customers, warning them about the company’s proposal to raise their electric customer charge by about 9 percent. This is a change in rate design, NOT a rate hike. That means the company isn’t going to make more money—it just wants to…...

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