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Peoples Gas

Chicago’s looming disaster?

Did you know that last winter, you paid 80 percent more for natural gas service, on average, than your friends and relatives in the suburbs? And a big reason appears to be the mismanaged Peoples Gas pipe-replacement program. That’s what Crain’s Chicago Business reported in a recent story with this ominous…...

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Stop spending abuses by Peoples Gas: Fight for HB 4898

CUB, AARP Illinois and Illinois PIRG this week held a news conference about the mismanagement and spiraling costs associated with a Peoples Gas plan to replace aging pipes underneath the city. How bad is it? An analysis by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan found that if the program isn’t changed…...

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News Release: Proposed State Law Aims to Quash Spending Abuses by Peoples Gas in Bloated Pipe Replacement Program

A new bill pending in the Illinois General Assembly would eliminate the mechanism Peoples Gas has used to bankroll a pipe-replacement program widely decried for its rampantly escalating cost estimates and chronic waste and mismanagement. The proposed measure, championed by AARP Illinois, the Citizens Utility Board (CUB), and Illinois PIRG,…...

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The new tax law and your utility bills

We want to update you on an issue that’s important to your utility bills — and let you take action. You’ve seen the headlines about a change in federal tax law that led to a reduction in the corporate tax rate. But did you know that should lower your 2018…...

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Join CUB’s Community Action Campaign

This June we’re challenging EVERYONE in Chicago to join CUB’s Community Action Campaign. In the battles below, Julie, CUB’s general counsel, is up against the best lawyers the utilities can buy. She can’t beat them alone, which is why you and your neighbors must join the fight. Remember they only win when…...

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Help Julie and Christie fight rate hikes!

CUB has launched its annual consumer campaign in June to rally Illinoisans against billions of dollars in rate hikes. We hope every community in Illinois signs our Rate-hike Fighters Petition. Take a look at the rate-hike battles  CUB General Counsel Julie Soderna and Senior Attorney Christie R. Hicks are juggling before…...

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Congrats to CUB’s Membership Survey Winner!

Congratulations to Joyce H. of Urbana for winning $100 off of her next power bill—and two efficient LED bulbs— through CUB’s Executive Director’s Mid-year Membership Survey! Joyce’s name was randomly selected from a pool of 1,120 other participants after telling CUB which rate-hike battle mattered most to her. The membership…...

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CUB wants to know: What do YOU think is IL’s biggest rate-hike battle?

This week marks the beginning of our statewide Consumer Campaign. All month, we’ll be asking Illinois consumers to stand with our tiny legal team and fight billions of dollars in rate-hike battles. But first we want to get your opinion on what battle is most important to you. Vote here…...

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ICC approves $10 million refund for Peoples Gas customers!

It’s official. The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) has approved an $18.5 million settlement that WEC Energy reached with Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s Office and CUB. The settlement calls for a $10 million refund for Peoples Gas customers. Yes! CUB said in a statement: We thank the ICC, led by…...

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Breaking: AG, CUB negotiate $10 million refund for Peoples Gas customers

Read CUB Executive Director David Kolata’s statement on the latest consumer victory: a $10 million refund for Chicago gas customers. (Also send a message asking state regulators to approve the refund!) CUB is pleased that WEC Energy Group, the parent company of Peoples Gas, has agreed to a settlement that…...

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