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renewable energy

Action can’t wait

A long-awaited ruling by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to reward dirty power generators and raise consumers’ power bills has been delayed until at least Nov. 29, and possibly 2020. But while the ruling may be delayed, the need to protect Illinois consumers from bloated bills is not. The General…...

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Why we need a Clean Energy Jobs Act

By David Kolata, CUB Executive Director (Update: Since this column was written, the House Energy and Environment Committee voted to advance the Clean Energy Jobs Act, sponsored by State Rep. Ann Williams and State Sen. Cristina Castro [House Bill 3624/Senate Bill 2132]. The bill awaits a committee vote in the…...

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No such thing as free solar panels (but they can be affordable!)

CLAIM: You can get free solar panels installed on your roof! FACT: Some companies offer solar panel installation for no money down, but it’s not exactly free—you’ll be renting the panels, monthly, for the term of the lease, which is usually 20 years. CUB RECOMMENDS: Explore all of your options.…...

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Special Report: Are green plans really green?

A lot of alternative electricity suppliers like to pitch “green plans.” “We make sure all your home’s energy … comes from 100% clean wind and solar power,” proclaims one supplier’s website. But let’s go beyond the marketing pitches. Signing up for a “green” or “renewable energy” plan does NOT mean…...

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CUB Advocacy Item: Tell White House its tariff is bad for solar, bad for consumers

The White House this week announced a 30% tariff on imported solar panels. The tariff reportedly will decrease by 5% over a four-year span, ending at 15% in 2022. This decision will needlessly raise the cost of solar panels, which could stall or kill solar projects that help stabilize the…...

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BREAKING: Trade officials open door for tariff that could be devastating to solar industry

In a 4-0 vote, the U.S. International Trade Commission today opened the door for the White House to impose tariffs that could more than double the cost of the imported solar panels so important to the health of our nation’s solar power industry. The Los Angeles Times reported that the…...

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Editorial roundup: the battle to protect electric customers in Springfield

Springfield is abuzz with two very different pieces of energy legislation, one that could help electric customers and another that could hurt them. One is  the Illinois Clean Jobs bill (House Bill 2607/Senate Bill 1485), which would increase energy efficiency and renewable energy standards in Illinois.  A CUB analysis found that the…...

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