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Worst Natural Gas Deals in Illinois

In northern Illinois, consumers have the option of choosing their natural gas supplier.  But be careful!  CUB reviewed dozens of offers and uncovered prices that were double or nearly double the utility rates. Watch CUB tell ABC 7’s Jason Knowles how to be a savvy shopper in the gas market. The fact that…...

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CUB’s Guide to Space Heaters

As temperatures drop this winter, many of us are digging out the space heater from the crawl space–anything to stay warm, right? But before you plug in, you probably have some  questions.  Are space heaters cost-effective for home heating?  Do they pose a safety risk?  What type of heater is…...

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Tips for an energy-efficient kitchen

Now that the weather is getting a little cooler, it’s tempting to turn the oven on, throw in a casserole, and warm the kettle for some evening tea.  But all that kitchen work can crank up your electricity usage. Follow these tips to cook up a storm–without burning up the bills: Buy only Energy…...

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Uh oh! 4 red flags in the electric market

Ballooning rates.  Misleading marketing.  Changing rates.  Aggregation deals gone awry.  Some pretty crazy stories have emerged in the Illinois electric market this year. CUB has been keeping an eye on developments to help consumers protect themselves in these treacherous times.  While many alternative electric suppliers are acting appropriately in the market,…...

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Say What? 5 Energy Efficiency Tips You’ve Never Heard

Turn off the lights when you leave a room.  Insulate your windows.  Switch to efficient light bulbs.  Many of these basic tips are old hat for savvy CUB members. For those who are already energy efficiency experts, we wanted to share with you some unique money-saving tips that could help you…...

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4 steps to a productive company complaint

by Esther Leonard Many of us have felt wronged by a company. From over charges on electric bill to bad phone service, companies can get away with some shady stuff.  But you don’t have to take it lying down!  You can keep companies accountable by voicing your complaints. At CUB,…...

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Watch out for this energy hog

You may be surprised to learn that the biggest electricity guzzler in your house isn’t your TV or refrigerator.  That special honor goes to… your clothes dryer. Dryers use between 1,800 to 5,000 watts per cycle, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.  Compare that to washers, which only use…...

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Top 3 tips to save money this summer!

Summer electric rates are going up, up, up, but never fear: CUB has you covered with the top 3 money-saving tips to reduce your electric bill over those sweltering summer months. 1.)    Keep it cool…without cranking the AC! Without a doubt, the biggest contributor to high power bills in the…...

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7 tips for protecting your home from the ‘damn cold’

The experts say Illinois is getting slammed by a “polar vortex,” a rotating pool of frigid air bringing dangerous, record-low temperatures and wind chills of up to 50 degrees below zero. But one Chicago native had a simple way of describing it: It’s “damn cold.” The same energy efficiency tips…...

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10 energy-saving tips for pet owners

Energy efficiency can be a major challenge for pet owners, who typically have a furry, feathery or scaly resident that never leaves the house. But you don’t have to choose between keeping your pet comfortable and minimizing your energy costs—these simple actions will help you achieve both. 1. Use a programmable thermostat. In…...

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